Brady1369's Comments (14)

View Brady1369's portfolio
Below are comments about Brady1369's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a great "art" year you have had! Keep drawing this summer. Love, Dawn
-- Dawn
- on June 7, 2011
You managed lots of movement in this piece Brady. Perhaps you will be that art teacher! I think you get your gift of art from your dad! Love, Grandma
-- Gramd,a
- on April 23, 2011
Brady, your attention to detail at your age amazes me. I knew it was a daffodil before I read the details. Again, a fine job! Grandma couldn't do that! Keep it up!
-- Grandma
- on April 23, 2011
Dear Brady, I love your daffodil! It is my favorite Spring flower. Love, Dawn
-- Dawn
- on April 23, 2011
Brady, I love boats!! Yours makes me feel like sailing. Love, Dawn
-- Dawn
- on April 8, 2011
You surprised me again Brady! Now, I'd like a ride in that neat, colorful boat. I can feel the wind blowing through my hair. Keep those imaginative juices flowing!!!!
-- Grandma
- on April 8, 2011
Hey Brady, Very nice again! I love the color of the sky and sun. Great perspective :) Mylene
-- Mylene
- on March 13, 2011
Very colorful picture Brady!! I think you should try to draw some of your Lego pirate ships at home!! I'm sure you can do it. (:D Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on March 12, 2011
Hey Brady, This is really cool to have your portfolio on a website. With special matting and framing I could see this hanging in your home or make next year's Christmas cards with this print!!! Keep your work going--it is a real gift.
-- Linda
- on February 17, 2011
Brady, I just learned of this website. It is great!! I love the penquin. Keep it up. Love, Dawn
-- Dawn
- on January 28, 2011
Brady, you have a gift for art and detail which I never had. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing much more.
-- Gail
- on January 28, 2011
Hi Brady, I did not know you were an artist! Your paintings are so vibrant and I love the colors you choose. Really great job. Elianna and I love this website and we are so proud you are on it! Keep up the good work and just let it flow. You're like the famous Van Gough! I'm impressed! Cool Milo
-- Mylene
- on January 28, 2011
Another great piece of artwork! Great job, Brady! Love, Mom and Dad
-- Lori
- on January 28, 2011
Nice job, Brady! Is the present for me?
-- Mom
- on November 5, 2010