Xiaojing2's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Xiaojing2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful use of charcoal, especially for it being your first time!
- Darren (teacher at Finletter Thomas K School) on October 20, 2012
Wow! this one is really awesome op-art. Great optical illusion. What happened to the little sphere on the top right side?
-- Fenmei
- on December 2, 2010
I love it from far away view!
-- Xiaojing
- on December 2, 2010
I am very impressed. A job well done, sis.
-- Fenmei
- on December 2, 2010
I just love doing something artistic!
-- Xiaojing
- on December 2, 2010