Samuel2924's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Samuel2924's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Keep up the good work. You are awsome.
-- Shannon
- on March 14, 2013
Great Job! I really like this.
-- Shannon
- on March 14, 2013
Sammy--I love this picture. It has everything to do with Halloween. You just keep getting better and better. Grandpa and I love you so much.
-- Glenna
- on November 10, 2012
Sammy-good job. You make me prouder each time you post a new work of art. Papaw and I love you. Grandma Sissy
-- Grandma Sissy
- on November 10, 2012
Great picture! You are very talented and we are proud of you.
-- Shannon
- on June 1, 2012
You just keep making me and Papaw prouder and prouder. We love you so very much. Keep up the good work. I really like your latest project on cool and warm colors.
-- Mammaw Sissy
- on June 1, 2012
Good job Sammy. Keep up the good work. I love getting notices for new art work.
-- Aunt Shanny
- on June 1, 2012
Good job sammy. Keep up the good work.
-- Shannon
- on February 1, 2012
Sammy, I love your new picture of the dinosaurs. You are a great little artist. We love you. Mammaw issy and Papaw David
-- Glenna
- on February 1, 2012
Sammy, you get better with each new picture. I love this one! Keep up the good work. Love you, Mammaw Sissy
-- Glenna M
- on February 1, 2012
Samuel, this picture is awesome!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you have your daddy's talent! I am so very proud of you. Love Mom
-- Tracy
- on December 14, 2011
Absolutely love your pumpkin. You have a real talent. Keep up the good work and we love you.
-- Shannon
- on December 14, 2011
Keep up the good work Samuel!!
-- Greg
- on December 14, 2011
This one may be my favorite yet. Keep up the great work. We love you. Aunt Shanny and Uncle Aaron.
-- Shannon
- on December 7, 2011
What an awesome picture! You must take after daddy! Love Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on December 7, 2011
Cool Pic!
-- Bonnie
- on December 7, 2011
Cool penguin! keep up the good work
-- Bonnie
- on June 1, 2011
Another great picture. We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Shanny, Uncle Aaron, Tiffy and Adrian
-- Shannon
- on June 1, 2011
Sammy--this is really good and I love it. Mammaw Sissy is so proud of you. I love you.
-- Glenna
- on June 1, 2011
Looks good.
-- Kevin
- on April 25, 2011
You are following in the footsteps of Papaw David and your Dady. You are all 2 great artists and I love you. Grandma Sissy
-- Glenna
- on April 18, 2011
Love the new one sweety! It's very colorful! The cactus is cool!
-- Daddy
- on April 18, 2011
This polar bear is so cool. Get it, cool? I am proud of you.
-- Mom
- on April 17, 2011
I love the desert scene. It remind me of our trip to Nevada. I love you.
-- Mom
- on April 17, 2011
Love this one too!!! You're becoming a little artist. Keep posting your art work, I love viewing it and I love you. Aunt Shanny
-- Shannon
- on April 12, 2011
I like the fish. The fish is nice and colorful. Please more pictures of waffles. Thank You
-- Greg
- on February 4, 2011
cool colors cool fish!!!!
-- erin
- on February 3, 2011
cool colors
-- erin
- on February 3, 2011
Good colors cool fish.
-- erin
- on February 3, 2011
Good job. I love the picture. I am proud of you.
-- mom
- on January 29, 2011