Ayla156's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Ayla156's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I can hear it gobbling!
-- Mom
- on December 1, 2011
That sounds like a crazy dream
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2011
This looks just like Roger's orchard
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2011
great scarecrow!
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2011
-- Mom
- on October 5, 2011
Beautiful job!
-- Mom
- on March 25, 2011
What a beautiful star!!!
-- Mom
- on January 9, 2011
This looks just like fall!
-- Mom
- on December 11, 2010
I love the colors of the sky!
-- Mom
- on December 11, 2010
I hope we can hang it on our tree!
-- Mom
- on December 11, 2010
This is a beautiful Christmas flower!
-- Mom
- on December 11, 2010
Great job on all parts of the project - painting, cutting of shapes, and drawing the tree branches.
-- Mrs. D
- on December 5, 2010
What a wonderful artwork. I love the colors and fall stuff.
-- Mrs. Meehan
- on November 12, 2010
Ayla, I don't think that there is anyone who would not love to be in your picture as it shows a beautiful autumn day full of color and life!
-- Mrs. D
- on November 11, 2010