Meg294's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Meg294's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Meg! These are the best pumpkins that I have ever seen!!!! And I love the background!!!! I wish I had even a tiny bit of your talent!!
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2011
You are AMAZING Meg!!!!!!!!! We love the peacock!!! Kaleigh and Kathy
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2011
Meg you are an amazing artist as well as musician! God has blessed you with marvelous gifts that I know you will use to His glory!
-- Irene
- on November 19, 2011
I LOVE THIS - so bright and cheerful!! Christy - I see artwork like this in all of the Destin condos and beach houses!!! And Meg's is actually more detailed and fun!! KK
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2011
Thanks for sharing your cat with us!!! We love it and you are so talented!! He makes us smile every time we look at him :) Kaleigh and Kathy
-- Kathy
- on April 9, 2011
Meg, This is an amazing presentation of patterns and colors. Well done. Mrs. Irene
-- Irene
- on April 9, 2011
Meg, this is beautiful and makes me think of spring! Love, Aunt Marla
-- Marla
- on April 9, 2011
This is an amazing design Meg. I love your use of color in the rays of the sun.
-- Irene
- on April 9, 2011
This heart is so awesome Meg!!! We love it!! Kaleigh and Kathy
-- Kathleen
- on March 16, 2011
I love the heart. All the different colors make this a true statement piece. Love you!
-- Mom
- on March 15, 2011
Just beautiful Meg! Awesome work.
-- Rachel
- on December 14, 2010
WOWWW!! We love this snowman so much!!! Great Job Meg!! Kaleigh and Kathy
-- Kathy
- on November 22, 2010
Meg...very impressionist!! I mean impressive!!! well done. When you are famous, I'll say I knew you when you were young.
-- Barb
- on November 9, 2010
AWESOME artwork Meg!!! You are SOOOOOOO talented!! We love it!! Kaleigh and Kathy
-- Kathy
- on November 3, 2010
Fabulous work Meg! Brad and I are really impressed. Can't wait to see your next work of art! Love you!
-- Rachel
- on November 2, 2010
Meg, your art looks AWESOME!! I actually got to see the painting of this @ the Louvre museum in Paris, it was one of my favorites. Great Job!! love, Aunt Kat
-- Kathy
- on November 3, 2010
Hey Meg, I love your artwork! Keep up the good work! Mrs. McCrady
-- Fara
- on November 2, 2010
I love your vision of Van Gogh's Starry Night. It takes great courage to produce great work. Keep focusing on the brilliant artists of the past to enhance future art. Love, Mom
-- Christy
- on November 2, 2010