This artwork shows that you understand the idea of using the concept of symmetry to show balance.
- Elizabeth (teacher at Wakefield Elementary School) on October 29, 2013
This artwork shows that you understand the idea of using the concept of symmetry to show balance.
- Elizabeth (teacher at Wakefield Elementary School) on October 29, 2013
Your images successfully communicate ideas about you.
- Elizabeth (teacher at Wakefield Elementary School) on October 28, 2013
Hi Xander, WOW WOW!!! Just love all the colors and the way you filled the whole looks like a book you, Gigi -- Diane
- on November 13, 2013
I so totally love the colors and expressiveness of this one! Go Xan! -- Mama
- on October 22, 2013
Love love love this one. Nice use of color -- Mommiebubba
- on April 12, 2013
Wow I love the colors and detail dude. Glad to see you are FIRED UP for school! ha ha -- Papa
- on April 12, 2013
Xan, this is such a neat picture! The placement of the body parts is really cool, plus I love how you "tagged" the piece with your "X" - so cool! -- Mama
- on January 24, 2013
I love this painting Xander, it reminds me of LBI...I would love to frame it...hugs, Gigi -- Gigi
- on December 19, 2012
Awesome picture xander. It makes me want to jump in the ocean and go find these animals. I like the watercolor effect which naturally works for an ocean scene. Keep more coming. -- Papa
- on December 5, 2012
Oh how cool is that picture man! Xander I know exactly what it's a picture of - a shark. You've been reading about them to inspire your picture. I really like the choice and texture of the colors. -- Papa
- on December 19, 2012
Great self-portrait Xan! -- Mama
- on November 28, 2012
Xander, I especially like the way you made the flow and the texture is pretty cool. You rock my love.! Gigi -- Diane