I LOVE this Alana!! Especially the use of teal. It's a great colour and very original!! Love Joyce -- Joyce
- on April 22, 2017
This one is extremely cool!!! Colours and intricate design is bright, cheery and fun. Great job!! -- Arlene
- on April 22, 2017
Alana! So much love on one page - very pretty. I like the ones on the right side best - lots of creativity going on there!! Keep it going, kiddo! luv you!! xoxo -- Arlene
- on April 22, 2017
Are you bringing one of those from home for us??? :-) You know ice cream is my FAVOURITE food so tremendous subject matter and skill set here - I like the simplicity of the composition and the juxtaposition of colours - way to go Miss Melon!! xoxoxo -- Arlene
- on June 14, 2016
Love this best. Full of color, full of hope and ready to fly, just like you -- Donna
- on June 11, 2016
Alana, this is perfect!! I just want to go out and get my own rainbow stacked ice-cream :) Its almost like it has a Christmas tree on the top. Summer is almost here!! -- Joyce
- on June 8, 2016
Alana, another gorgeous work of art. I love the butterfly!! Joycie -- Joyce
- on June 17, 2013
Wow, Alana, AWESOME BUTTERFLY!!! Wish I looked like that - you did a great job. Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could float and fly like a buttlerfly from one beautiful flower to the next?? You are a butterfly in your own way - full of life, prettty and delicate!! :-) Love you! keep it up!!! xoxo -- Arlene
- on June 17, 2013
Alana, this is a tremendous use of colour. Very vivid and exciting to look at. Its also a great use of the space on the page. Your composition is excellent. Well done!! A++ Love you, Joyce -- Joyce
- on June 17, 2013
Great JOB, Alana. I sure do like that house...and the colours...and the big trees. Trees are home to many little creatures and we use them to build houses so they are great for us too. Its a very happy picture and you should be very proud of yourself. Its almost as pretty as you...kidding...you are much, much prettier!! Love you lots, Arlene -- Arlene
- on June 17, 2013
Okay Alana, I am convinced that you are the best artist in New England!! I love your use of colour and images. Your work is always exciting to look at and has a big energy inside of it. I love it!! Love you my Littleton chicken, Joyce -- Joyce
- on June 17, 2013
Alana, you are a great artist!! Love you, Joyce -- joyce
- on May 3, 2012
Sweet Alana!! it looks super delicious...maybe i will take a bite of it...yummy!! -- Joyce
- on May 3, 2012
Beautiful job, Alana, and the description of your work is very accurate. You're doing great pictures and descriptive writing!! keep up the good job - awesome - we love you!!! -- Arlene
- on November 13, 2011
Alana, you are an incredible artist!! Thank you for sharing you work, Love Joyce -- Joyce
- on November 13, 2011
Alana, this looks like a beautiful, big house. Does it have room for all of the chickens? Love you, Joyce -- Joyce
- on October 17, 2011
Alana, I love the cat picture. wouldn't it be cool if you could find a real cat with all those colors. You are so creative. love you, Lana -- Lana
- on June 15, 2011
Alana - AWESOMEEEEE job!! You did a wonderful job - luv the birds - they look so happy!! Love you and see you soooooooooon xoxoxoxoxxoo Arlene -- Arlene
- on June 9, 2011
Great job Alana...it looks like a happy, happy family of chickens -- Joyce
- on June 2, 2011
Hi Alana, I really like your artwork, love Katrina -- Katrina
- on April 22, 2011
Awesome job Alana!! You are an artist!! -- Arlene - Beano
- on April 22, 2011
Alana ba-babana-pah-pow-wow...I love all of your artwork Alana...IT IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for sharing it with me!! Love you, Joyce -- Joyce