Emily13807's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Emily13807's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so proud of you and your work. The authors were very impressed with all of Gardnertown's work! Congratulations!
- Jamie (teacher at Gardnertown Fundamental Magnet School) on December 16, 2012
Dear Emily, You are so talented. I love them all and I love you more. Aunt Donna
-- Aunt Donna
- on January 9, 2013
Emily's artwork is just amazing..It is remarkable how GREAT they are..
-- denise
- on January 9, 2013
Dear Emily, I enjoyed looking at all your artwork and I think you have a lot of talent. Your dramatic use of form and color could be used for designing fabric. I especially like the way you mixed different shades of blue to separate sea from sky in this beautifully simple seascape. The abstract swirls in the water are a perfect way to create the idea of movement in the sea. Great job, Emily. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful artwork.
-- Susan
- on January 9, 2013