Jason3735's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jason3735's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Jason, I want to order a keychain with one of your pictures on it. Please let me know which of your pictures you like most and would like me to have on my keychain. I enjoy looking at your pictures! They are very well done. Hugs and love,
-- Oma
- on March 26, 2015
Jason, I saw your latest artwork online. Please keep on doing your art projects--Oma and I like seeing them!
-- Robert
- on March 26, 2015
Jason -- fabulous clay work. I love it!
-- Marsha
- on March 26, 2015
Jason, You are a great artist! Keep it up! Marilyn
-- Marilyn
- on November 27, 2011
Jason I love how you drew in all the mountains,valleys,plains,little hills,and mostly love all the diffrent shades and tipes of colors in it. I love you. love, Lucas
-- Lucas
- on October 10, 2011
Jason, I love your new picture. You must have taken lessons from Miro. Love, Omom
-- Omom
- on October 10, 2011