Zachary6247's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Zachary6247's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Zach!! You are Da Bomb!!! Miss you!! Keep up the good work!
-- Cousin Jewel
- on March 5, 2014
hey Zachary - your artwork is FABULOUS!!! Keep up the good work! We are proud of you!!!!
-- jewel
- on December 20, 2012
Great work Zach! Keep it up! Love Dad
-- Dad
- on December 20, 2012
Zachary, I think this picture of NY Jets and Miami Dolphins as skeletons is really cool. Great job!
-- Mom
- on March 5, 2014
Great work son! I am very proud!
-- Stan
- on March 25, 2011
Awesome work cousin. Keep it up!
-- Lawrence Christmas
- on March 24, 2011
Zach!!! I am sooooo proud of you! Your artwork is delightful! It's wonderful!! This is your cousin Jewel! I'm going to tell everyone to sign up and look at your work! Keep up the good work! I want my own autographed piece of art ok?! Love you much! from Cousin Jewel
-- Jewel
- on March 24, 2011
Zachary, Your artwork is really great!!! You are a great artist!!! Congratulations on your beautiful pieces!!! We loved looking at them!!! Love you lots, Aunt Lisa and Alex
-- Lisa
- on March 24, 2011
Hi. Zachary, Terence and I like your art work! Keep up the good work! Love ya, Aunt Alison
-- Alison
- on March 22, 2011