Gianni, your new artwork is really wonderful. You are so creative. Papa and I think you do great work. Keep on drawing. Love, Amma -- June
- on March 14, 2012
Wow Gianni - this is wonderful!! You are so talented. Love, Nonnie -- Marlene
- on March 14, 2012
Mommy loves your new artwork Gianni. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you and your talents. -- Michele
- on February 3, 2012
Gianni - You are becoming a regular Picasso. Papa and I love your new art. It's really great!
- on November 23, 2011
Hi Gianni, You are so talented - this one is great!! Love, Nonny --
- on November 23, 2011
Great Job Gianni !! Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you art work. -- Mommy
- on November 12, 2011
Gianni - Amma and Papa are so amazed at your imaginative and creative ability. Your artwork is so fantastic!! Keep up the great work. We love you. -- June
- on April 29, 2011
Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you AGAIN !! You are our beautiful, smart and creative boy !! -- Michele
- on April 28, 2011
Hi Gianni, Amma and Papa love your newest drawing. Your dog is quite handsome. Can't wait to see some of your future drawings. We love you. -- June
- on March 14, 2011
Hi Gianni, I love your new artwork. Good job!! -- Marlene
- on March 11, 2011
Gianni, Mommy loves your new picture. I am very proud of you. My question .... Why is Blue Dog Green ?? Love you Gee-Man !! Love, Mommy -- Michele
- on March 10, 2011
Gianni, Amma and Papa just love your wonderful artwork. Keep up the good work! -- June
- on February 15, 2011
Gianni, Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you and your fish !! -- Michele