Jenson21's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Jenson21's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is grrrrreat. Have mommy and daddy look on the inter-net, and see what the Chapin family crest looks like, then draw that! Papa
-- Brad
- on September 28, 2012
Jenson, This is my favorite picture so far! You are a great artist! Love, Aunt Michy
-- Michelle
- on September 28, 2012
You are the greatest!
-- Papa
- on September 28, 2012
Good job! Mom & Dad are so proud of you!
-- amanda
- on April 12, 2011
You are doing such a great job! Nanna and I are so proud of you! Love you, Papa
-- Papa
- on April 12, 2011