BEAUTIFUL! I love this fish. It looks like the Hawaii State Fish, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. Try to say that a bunch of times. Great job Liv. Grandma Partridge -- Candida
- on May 4, 2011
Liv your artwork gets better and better. Don't let Miss Piggy see your artwork, she would be jealous. Love, Grandma P. xoxoxox -- Candida
- on February 1, 2011
Liv, this is a GREAT Penguin! I love it! I think those are your hands holding it so it must be big. Keep up the good work. Love you bunches, Grandma P. -- Candida
- on January 23, 2011
Awww! You are so cute!!! Love the picture baby girl! -- Mom
- on December 18, 2010
Liv, I love the triangles! Great job honey. Grandma -- Candida
- on December 17, 2010
Fantastic job Liv! I love all the colors. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma P. -- Candida
- on October 9, 2010
Such a beautiful picture. You always amaze me baby. Luv, Mom -- Mom