Kennedy1049's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Kennedy1049's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Kennedy, We really like the art work of your hand and falling leaves. Looks like fun to do! Love,Grandpa Beam, Grandma Carolyn
-- Grandpa
- on November 5, 2010
Hi Kennedy, I really love your picture of the big green monster. It looks scary! And I really like all of your art pieces. Look forward to seeing them every week. Love - Grandma Beam
-- Sharon
- on November 3, 2010
Dear Kennedy, I love your picture of the fall tree. Lots of color of the falling leaves. I'm so proud of you and your creative artwork! Love, Grandma Beam
-- Sharon
- on November 3, 2010
Very Nice Kennedy! I really like all the many colors and designs as well as your happy smile you put into your picture. I love Art and can appreciate your creativity, I would like to see more of your art work as you do it. Keep up the good work! Laurie
-- Laurie
- on November 3, 2010