Hannah10257's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Hannah10257's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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AWESOME Miss Hannah!! I love the figure and of course the colorful background of the buildings. On top of that you were there just a few months ago. We love you!! Grandpa and Grandma Sherri
- on May 31, 2013
Beautiful Hannah B Such a great artist love Grandpa and Grandma Sherri
-- david
- on May 9, 2013
WOW this is AWESOME Hannah!!! love Grandpa and Sherri
- on April 19, 2013
Hannah WOW whata great portrait!! love Grandpa and Sherri
- on March 21, 2013
Hannah excllent work on the colors and the depth of the picture Love Grandpa and Grandma Sherri
-- dave
- on January 25, 2013
Absolutely beautiful Hannah! I hope you are proud of it...I am! Great colors, positioning, and detail. Dad
-- Dad
- on January 9, 2013
Very Creative Hannah!! Love Grandpa and Sherri
-- david
- on December 22, 2012
What a great piece of art! Excellent architecture and perspective! xoxo
-- Dad
- on November 25, 2012
Wow Hannah a lot of detail in this drawing. You do an awesome job! Love Grandpa and Sherri
-- david
- on November 21, 2012
Great job Hannah!
-- Dad
- on September 21, 2012
Excellent portrait Hannah. You are doing so well in your artwork love you Grandpa and Sherri
- on September 21, 2012
Wonder woman Hannah! Amazing. You are becoming quite the artist. I can tell you are taking your time and working hard. Great job again!
-- Dad
- on June 5, 2012
Wow. Absolutely love the colors HJ! Great job.
-- Dad
- on June 5, 2012
Beautiful Hannah! Very colorful. Love the giraffe and purple flower. You are amazing!
-- Dad
- on June 5, 2012
Hi Hannah, Your work just gets better and better. There is so much to be said about practice! And I can see you really do a lot of drawing and painting. You are wonderfully talented. Keep up the good work! Love, Francie
- on June 3, 2012
SO colorful and cute, honey!! Love this wonderful drawing!! Also saw the "Kandisky Effect" for the first time.Very creative! We really love all you are doing!! Hugs, Ma and Pop
- on May 17, 2012
Hannah This is incredible!! the detail and colors are beautiful. Keep up the great work Love Grandpa
- on May 17, 2012
Hannah i like the color orange on the jacket and the detail of the necklace. you are doing great. love grandpa and sherri
- on May 17, 2012
Great job, honey! Magritte would be proud too.
-- Mom
- on May 17, 2012
Beautiful, honey!! Love the wonderful colors with this project! You are really doing great!! Love and hugs, Ma and Pop
- on March 26, 2012
Great job, honey! It's beautiful!
-- Mom
- on March 1, 2012
Wow Hannah! This is beautiful! I love the colors. Great job!
-- Dad
- on March 1, 2012
Awesome looking tree Hannah. I like the orange color background. love you Grandpa and Sherri
- on March 1, 2012
Quite an arrangement of beautiful colors and things Hannah. Great job Love grandpa and sherri
- on March 1, 2012
Hi Hannah, Every piece I see shows new discoveries. You are wonderfully creative with you excellent use of color and composition. I always enjoy seeing your new work! Love you, Francie
- on March 1, 2012
Hannah I have never seen a more creative, beautiful and AWESOME "H" love Grandpa and Sherri
- on March 1, 2012
Enjoyed seeing your creativity with this new project, honey! Keep up the good work!! Love, Ma and Pop
- on March 1, 2012
Great letter, Hannah! Very pretty.
-- Mom
- on March 1, 2012
This is so beautiful, Hannah! Great job!
-- Mom
- on March 1, 2012
Super girl Hannah! You artwork is fantastic! Love, Nana
- on November 11, 2011
Wow!!!! Hannah, this is WONDERFUL work! I'm so impressed! Congratulations! :)
-- Aunt Jenny
- on November 11, 2011
Hannah AWESOME artwork. Suiper girl doing super woman picture. Love it! Grandpa and Sherri
- on October 11, 2011
Hannah, your latest work is so impressive. Understanding how others artists work, learning their process, can open many doors into your own creative process. Great work!
-- Francie
- on October 8, 2011
Hannah! This is by far my favorite art piece you've done! Good job!
-- Lindsay
- on October 8, 2011
This is amazing, Hannah!! You are doing such fantastic artwork and we are thrilled to see how you are growing in your talent! This might be one of your best one yet !
Hugs, Pop and
-- Ma
- on October 8, 2011
Hannah I love the colors you have chosen. Keep up the great work. Love grandpa and Sherri
- on June 15, 2011
Hi Hannah, I really like the artistic references to many of the masters......such as Matisse on this lovely piece. Great work! Love,
-- Francie
- on June 11, 2011
Nice work, honey! Love what you are doing with this method! Hugs,
-- Ma and Pop
- on June 9, 2011
We are looking forward to getting our notecards of your work! So much fun! Love you, honey-- Ma and Pop
- on June 4, 2011
Very cool Hannah. I like the eyes and lips love Grandpa and Sherri
-- david
- on May 26, 2011
Picasso would be so proud! Good job, honey. Love you,
-- Mom
- on May 26, 2011
Hannah, Lovely, lovely use of color!!
-- Francie
- on May 25, 2011
Hannah-This is so beautiful!! Great job, sweetheart. Love you oodles,
-- Mom
- on April 16, 2011
Hi Hannah, I'm so proud of your work. You are developing a style, and a strong sense of line. Your subject is a difficult one to draw and you've done it so well. Keep up the great work! I love seeing what you do. Miss you and the whole family, love, Francie, Pat and Katie
-- Francie
- on March 19, 2011
Hannah, we LOVE this picture!! When I first saw it I thought of Don Quixote on his horse! (If you haven't read that book you will soon.) Almost looks like a chalk drawning with its soft black, white and shades of gray. We are enjoying seeing how you are growing as an artist! Love you, honey, -- Ma and Pop
- on March 10, 2011
Great job on this sweetie! You worked very hard and your knight and your horse turned out beautifully. Love you!
-- Mom
- on March 10, 2011
Hannah, we love your work. It is very clear perspective. We love you sweetie. Grandpa and Sherri
-- david
- on February 20, 2011
Hannah, The perspective work is excellent, as is the whole composition. Keep up the good work!
-- Francie
- on January 14, 2011
Wow, great work, Hannah! I didn't know you would get to learn about perspective at such a young age! Your picture is very pretty and I like the colors you used too.
-- Nana
- on January 13, 2011
Dear Hannah, We LOVE what you are doing in art class! So much fun for us to get to see your work....thank you for sharing it with us!!!! Love YOU!!! Ma/Pops
-- Ma/Pops
- on January 13, 2011
Hi love! This turned out really well. Good job on your complimentary colored portrait! Love, Mom
-- Kim
- on November 6, 2010
Dear Hannah, I'm really liking your work! I love getting to see what you are doing. We miss you so much, Love, Francie
-- Francie
- on November 5, 2010
Hannah you are becomig a great artist. love your picture!! love grandpa and sherri
-- david
- on November 5, 2010
Hi Hannah, How exciting to be able to see your work like this on line! This piece is wonderful. It looks like a batik. (If you haven't done batik yet, ask your Mom about it.) Very nice use of color and texture. Keep creating! Love you, Francie, Pat and Katie
-- Francie
- on November 1, 2010
So proud of you, honey! This turned out lovely!
-- Kim
- on September 30, 2010