Silas143's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Silas143's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh, Silas.... You know that Grandma Bonnie has a very special fondness for redbirds! When I saw your cardinals, my heart was full of love and you made me smile so big. These redbirds will be added to my collection of Redbirds which you know I have many redbird collectibles. But you just gave me MY FAVORITE REDBIRDS !! Love, Grandma Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on September 21, 2011
Si Guy........ Really a good job on your cave drawing. I would know that handprint anywhere. Haha, I see almost everyday around the house, but never in a cave. Love, PaPaul
-- Paul
- on November 23, 2010
Silas, your Cave drawing here looks like it could have been done on a real cave many many years ago. Are you sure you are only 7 yrs old and not 700 + yrs old cause this looks like a real cave man drew it! Great Job........ Cave Man. :-) From, Grandma Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on November 23, 2010
Silas, I see how much work and time you did to make this an awesome farm picture! Your colors are so bright and cheerful. I am very very proud of you. Love, PaPaul
-- Paul
- on November 19, 2010
Silas....I love how your drawing of pumpkins at night shows us they are just as perfect to look at as they are in the daytime. They donot sleep but stay big,round and beautiful all of the time. Love, Grandma Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on November 5, 2010