We love it. Great job with design. Keep up the. Good work. Love, Mimi and Poppy -- Mimi
- on November 16, 2013
Great Job..... Really like the colors. Keep up the great work.. Popper -- Popper
- on November 16, 2013
Hi Carter! We're glad to see some new artwork for third grade! We wish we could see your picture in person, as it's hard to see it on the computer. Please send us an email and tell us about your picture. It looks very interesting! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on November 16, 2013
Hi Carter, Grampa and I really like your new artwork! You did a great job on the castle and the background. Soon you will have summer vacation. We hope you will keep drawing and creating new artwork over the summer. Don't forget to show us what you've done when we see you. Love, Gramma & Grampa
- on July 3, 2013
Great work! The castle looks real strong and the sky looks cool. Love, Dad
- on June 14, 2013
Outstanding once again! Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi and poppy -- Mimi
- on June 14, 2013
Hi Carter, We love your colorful rainforest painting! The birds must be hungry. Is one of them thinking about catching a bug for dinner? Keep up the great work! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on June 12, 2013
Cool colors buddy. Nice work. -- Dad
- on May 15, 2013
Carter, I love it, the colors and design. Keep up the good work. Love you....Mimi -- Mimi
- on May 15, 2013
Hi Carter! What a neat picture with great shapes and colors! Did you use a scratchboard? We like your artwork! Keep up the good work! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on May 15, 2013
Hi Carter! Wow!! That guy looks very strong! We like his muscles, blue jeans and camo-colored shirt. We think he's about to kick a soccer ball. Very cool!! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on May 15, 2013
Great picture buddy. Nice job! -- Dad
- on March 13, 2013
Cool picture, Carter! Is that you swimming with a sting ray? Nice work! Love, -- Gramma & Grampa
- on March 13, 2013
Carter, Great job! Looks like a lot of snow to coming down. Hope you have a 3 series with a cab to clean it all up. -- Dad
- on January 14, 2013
Wow how creative you are. Love the snow falling and the snowman. Great job. Keep up the good work. Love you. Mimi -- Mimi
- on January 12, 2013
Great job, Carter!! We like the snowman, the trees, and the snowflakes coming down. You painted very well using the complimentary colors. Keep working hard in art class and in all your school work. We are very proud of you!! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on January 12, 2013
Carter, I love this picture! I really like the snowman!!! Great work!! Love, Mom
- on January 9, 2013
Great job.. I like it. -- Poppy
- on January 9, 2013
Hi Carter, Grampa and I like your latest creation. What a great job you did with the taping, the painting and the drawing! The sky looks so pretty and that's a very nice tree! Keep doing your best in school. We are very proud of you! Love, Gramma & Grampa
- on December 18, 2012
Looks like you are working hard with your tractor. Great job! Love -- Dad
- on December 17, 2012
Great job buddy! Keep up the good work. Love, Dad -- Dad
- on December 17, 2012
Carter, U are absolutely amazing! This Fall picture is beautiful. I love it!!! Keep up the good work. Love u, MIMI -- Mimi
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter! We love your fall leaves!! You did a great job of showing the beauty of God's creation. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing at school. We love you, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter! What a great picture! Grampa and I really like the way you drew the backhoe and the tree. You used the John Deere colors, too. That is a huge pile of dirt! You must have been digging for a long time! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter! We like your camo art! You are a very good artist and we look forward to seeing more of your art work this year. Love you, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter, Once again, GREAT JOB! Poppy and I love your puppet. Keep up the good work!! Love, Mimi & Poppy -- Irene
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter, Your puppet is very nice!! What great big eyes he has...and a smiley mouth! You are a such a good artist!! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter! We like your Jack-in-the-box very much! You worked hard on that and did a great job! We're glad that Jack is smiling. He really likes his box! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter!! Nice job on your picture!! Dad looks very proud of you, as we know he is. We would like to see you ride your bike sometime. Maybe you could bring it over to our house for a ride around the neighborhood. We don't have much traffic here. Love you, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Nice job on the gingerbread man, (or lady) Carter! We think you must have had fun working with the clay. Keep up the great work in art class! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Carter, Your artwork is terrific! Keep up the good work!!! Love you, Mimi xoxoxoxo -- Irene
- on December 5, 2012
Carter, We love it! Great job Buddy. Love, Mimi and Poppy -- Mimi
- on December 5, 2012
Hi Carter! What a great picture! We love gingerbread men! "You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!" Have you heard that story? Keep up the good work in art class. We think you are very talented! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Wow, Carter!! You did a great job on the fall still life picture!! You worked hard to fill in all the background and add the details. Keep up the good work, Carter!! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 5, 2012
Carter, What great pumpkins! You did a super job on this artwork! We are very proud of you! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on November 22, 2011
Carter what a great job! We are so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi and Poppy -- Mimi
- on November 22, 2011
Dear Carter, We love your apple picking picture! That's a really tall ladder! Would you climb to the top to get those apples? They look delicious! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on November 22, 2011
We like your self-portrait, Carter! You did a good job cutting and choosing your colors. We love your smile and your red hair! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on November 22, 2011
Hi Carter, We like your circus picture! It is very colorful and shows lots of action. Have you ever been to a real circus? Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on November 22, 2011
Hi Carter! We like your self-portrait. What a great smile you have! You worked hard on filling in the whole background. Did you use chalk? Nice job, Carter!! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on June 13, 2011
Carter, Your Teddy Bear is very cute! He has a nice smile and he looks very cuddly. Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on June 13, 2011
Hi Carter, We love your pinch pot! Did you enjoy making it? I will show you the ones that your father made when he was a little boy. He liked art class, too! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on March 4, 2011
Carter, What a nice job. I especially like Daddy's building in NYC. You explained the cars to me and how neat, a double decker bus! Too bad that the car in front flipped over but we hope nobody was hurt and it was nice to see that the first car was trying to help! Great job buddy, we love you......Mimi & Poppy -- Mimi
- on March 4, 2011
WOW Carter, what great hearts!! We like the way each one is different! Nice job!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, Carter!! We love you, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on March 4, 2011
Love those HEARTS.... Great color's -- Poppy
- on March 4, 2011
Hi Carter! We love your city picture. I bet there would be horns honking and the sound of a crash on the street. We hope no one was hurt in the crash. You are doing very well in art class. We are proud of you! Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on February 10, 2011
Nice snowman, Carter!! I really like his nose. Is it a pickle instead of a carrot nose? Very cute!! -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 21, 2010
Another great job! Keep up the good work! Love, Mimi & Poppy -- Irene
- on December 21, 2010
Hi Carter, Grampa and I like your picture of the scarecrow. You did a really nice job on the sky, the sun and the cloud, too! Love, G&G -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 21, 2010
Carter, You truly take after Poppy. I love this....keep up the good work! Love, Mimi -- Irene
- on December 21, 2010
This is very nice, Carter! I love the colors, and I hope we can see the whole counting book your class made. Will you have an Open House at your school soon? Love, Gramma & Grampa -- Gramma & Grampa
- on December 21, 2010
My grandson, the artist! Very proud of you....take after your Poppy. Keep up the good work! Love, Mimi -- Irene
- on December 21, 2010
Carter, We are so happy to see your artwork on our computer! Great job on your colorful abstract with different mediums. We are proud of you! Isn't kindergarten fun? Love, Gramma & Gampa -- Gramma & Grampa