Xavier, I love the bold red color you used on this picture. Very nice. -- Vilma
- on May 29, 2013
Xavier, I love your ice cream sundae drawing. You are very talented. Love you! Titi Vilma -- Vilma
- on February 28, 2012
This painting is beautiful. Xavier your work is awesome! Love you, Titi Vilma -- Vilma
- on February 28, 2012
This is very interesting Xavier....Great work. -- Vilma
- on June 17, 2011
Great shapes and colors! -- Mommy
- on October 28, 2010
Xavier, I had a chance to see your Artwork and I enjoyed looking at it very much. I thought your color's were so beautiful. I hope that I will be seeing more of your work. -- Ceil
- on October 18, 2010
Xavier, Your artwork is beautiful. Love, Titi Vilma -- Vilma