GW13's Comments (220)

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Below are comments about GW13's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi G! I love the idea of your "reduce, reuse, recycle Painted Flowerpots." This is an awesome way to make great holiday gifts. I love how you decorated your flowerpot. Your character is so "Kool." Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on November 25, 2024
Glad to see you added your symbol to the ceiling tile for your class. Snorlax is looking great.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
Orange bird! Great work!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
I love that you are still exercising your art skills and working both sides of your brain. I can't wait to see what's next!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 25, 2024
Hi G, I love your little red ceramic corgi. His color is right on. I love his eyes. He looks like he is in a very comfortable position. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on August 11, 2024
Looking good! Keep on creating. I love the snowboarders! - Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 29, 2023
Geoffrey! What a great poster!! I love the bright colors on the black background!! you can see each item distinctly. Why did you choose these? Thanks for sharing !!!!
- Mrs. Allen on June 8, 2023
Great movement! I would call this tumbling stars!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on April 24, 2023
Hi Gw, Your Dr. Seuss hat is fabulous. Your choice of colors is great. I love the raven crest. You did a great job. Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on March 15, 2023
Hi Gw, Pete is a "Cool Cat" and so is his sidekick. I am curious, what will their story be. Looking forward to the adventures that Pete and his sidekick will have on Ole McDonald's farm. I dig the coveralls, too. Great job. Thanks for sharing!
- Mrs. Kellum on March 15, 2023
Hi G, I am impressed with all that you learned about armature and alebrije to create Eduardo. His horns are spectacular and they do look real!! Eduardo is fantastic!! Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on February 8, 2023
Good job, G! I like your selections, too, along with the colors you chose. I think you just created an action toy that the guys will be just crazy about. Perfect for next Christmas !!! Thank you for taking the time to explain what you did to create your piece !!
- Mrs. Allen on February 1, 2023
GW, this is one of the cutest things you every made. Great job!
- Kevin (Father) on December 6, 2022
Hi G!! Your nature critter blends right in with your background. I think his lips and eyes gave him away. He could have passed for a snowflake or large drop of frozen rain. Thank you for sharing!! Enjoy these next two weeks of school!!
- Mrs. Allen on December 7, 2022
I love seeing what you create when you let yourself have fun with the media. I can 't wait to see your alebrijes come to life with color.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on December 4, 2022
G, you have the cutest penguin friend!! I believe I’ve met him before — he’s adorable!! Happy Holidays to you and your family!! Enjoy every minute !!
- Mrs. Allen on December 7, 2022
Hi G!! Your Jumbo is really geared up for the weather. It looks like he’s doing his best to get out of it. Is he missing a foot-covering on one of his toes?? Nice choice of materials. I think the hair on his back is trying to cover him up!! Nice job! He looks kinda cute. Thank you for sharing !!
- Mrs. Allen on December 7, 2022
I hope you do some more experimenting with your printmaking. This looks so amazing and original. What if you added color or created a larger piece to extend the pattern.
- Mom on November 12, 2022
I love getting to see your views on peace every year. Keep focusing on peace and what it means to you. I love you and your artwork!
- Mom on November 12, 2022
I am so excited to see your Alebrijes come to life. Have you planned the colors you will use?
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 10, 2022
Hi G!! I like your idea of combining a scorpion with a leaf!! As long as it doesn’t run too fast or pinch, I wouldn’t mind having it around. About how large did you say it was?? Thanks for sharing. Let me know when you make it 3-D !!
- Mrs. Allen on November 10, 2022
Hi G! I had to look at this twice. With it being summer and thinking of the shore, I thought it was a starfish until I noticed it was missing two more arms. I love what you did with the colors----the swirls make it seem as if it is moving. Which color pants would you choose to wear with this??? I'm leaning towards the orange! Thanks for sharing! Have a great summer!
- Mrs. Allen on July 20, 2022
Hi GW, Your "Sing into Spring" makes me want to sing too. I love the spring colors you used to make you picture. Great Job!!! Thank you for sharing!!
- Mrs. Kellum on April 6, 2022
Hi G, This little penguin is so cute. I love the igloos and the red and green lights. It's snowing and I love it. I do not know your penguins name but he looks like he is having a lot of fun and can't wait until Christmas. Thank you for this fun picture. Keep up the good work.
- Mrs. Kellum on December 1, 2021
Hi G, Your Holiday Card is very Yummy!!!. I love how you have decorated your holiday card. You have such great creativity. Keep up the good work
- Mrs. Kellum on December 1, 2021
Very good job, G!! This is one project I always enjoy seeing you and the other students at Mannington do. I’m trying to figure out the picture on the inside!! Good choice of colors!!! Love it!!!!
- Mrs. Allen on September 29, 2021
Hi G, I think the Pinwheels for Peace are really special. I think you have done a great job on yours. Keep making great Art. I love your creations!!
- Mrs. Kellum on September 22, 2021
I can't wait to see your finished painting. ~Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on September 4, 2021
Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. And your choice of socks is too funny. Keep it up! I love seeing what you will create next. ~ Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on September 4, 2021
I just love your art work. It's always so cheerful and so colorful. I always love the story that you create. Thank you. Keep up the good work!
- Mrs. Kellum on September 1, 2021
Wow, GW!!! I love the facial expression of this person and how it catches your eye and makes you study it more rather just taking a quick look! Perfect for the mural project! Where is the mural located! I'd love to see it in person!!!
- Mrs. Allen on August 20, 2021
It's real bright looked good on you last night!
- Grammy on August 11, 2021
You really need to put together a book of your Panotopia creatures and their adventures. So much fun! Thank you for sharing their adventures with us all.
- Mrs. Sf (Mother) on May 16, 2021
GW, I Love your "Caterpillar Catcher" especially because it is purple. I hope that there is an adventure for this caterpillar catcher. It's many legs can have many places to go and many characters to meet. Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on May 16, 2021
I just want to mess up that hair. Your hair is never that neat. Great work, I can’t wait to see more and your finished self-portrait.
- Mom on April 24, 2021
Every Pantopia story makes me smile. I can't wait to read your next adventure.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on April 23, 2021
Good job, G! Looks as if your Lego character can walk right off of the page! I love the facial expression, too! I haven't seen all of the things they do with Legos now but it looks as if anything is the limit for creating now! Thanks for sharing!
- Mrs. Allen on April 17, 2021
Great job!
- Mrs V on April 7, 2021
My favorite!
- Mrs V on April 7, 2021
Very cool artwork. Love this design.
- Mrs V on April 7, 2021
Your gnome is so handsome. He is ready for springtime with the flower on his hat. His green suit reminds me of the green grass of spring and summer. Will he be going on any adventures? Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on March 31, 2021
What a cute story!! I’m eager to find out if Pan makes more friends. This would make a nice book for children! Thank you for sharing!!
- Mrs. Allen on March 31, 2021
Hi GW! I loved what you did with the letters in "Google". If you've submitted it to the contest I hope yours gets chosen! Of course, the character with the music notes is my favorite! (Smile) Keep that creativity going!
- Mrs. Allen on March 10, 2021
Very nice work!! Lambo is my favorite — he is dressed for his work! The names are really neat, too. Thank you for sharing!! I hope things are going well for you this year!!
- Mrs. Allen on February 24, 2021
As always, I enjoy reading the stories that accompany your art.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on February 18, 2021
I look forward to reading and seeing more about the adventures of Stretchy Steven and how he uses his abilities to help others. I think he will have lots of fun. Where will Peter and Penny go next? Can't wait, your stories and characters are so much fun. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on February 10, 2021
Every week I now look forward to reading about the adventures of your pan creations. I can't wait to see how you will combine our class warm up with your creations. Your creativity inspires me! ~ Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on February 4, 2021
Your story about Stretchy Steven is very good. I'm glad he has made a great recovery and he is using what he learned to do something to help others like him. Your drawing of Stretchy Steven looks like he is reaching out to help others. Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on January 27, 2021
Your little reindeer is so cute. You have done a great job! I really like his gold collar, too. Keep creating!
- Mrs. Kellum on December 19, 2020
This is one of your best pieces yet! Love it! Keep creating.
- Kevin (Father) on December 8, 2020
I am amazed to see the original artwork created by my students. When I think that these were blank mask forms that you have transformed into intricate works of art I am inspired. Keep creating these inspiring works of heART. I can't wait to see your next creation.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 10, 2020
Good job! I think you did a great job symmetrically in lining everything up! Be sure to keep this in your notebook for next year!
- Mrs. Allen on November 10, 2020
Hi! Very interesting project! I was thinking it was a sugar skull sketch to do your sugar skull project for Day of the Dead. Thank you for sharing!
- Mrs. Allen on November 7, 2020
Good work! Now if you put the light of a candle behind each one of those eyeballs it would really be spooky this Halloween !!!!! Thanks again!
- Mrs. Allen on October 18, 2020
Good job! This would make a picture-perfect postcard or letterhead for writing paper. The camera angle is very good for capturing the flower petals and sections. Very nice! Thank you for sharing!
- Mrs. Allen on October 18, 2020
I think I need to order some note cards. Beautiful! ~Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on October 9, 2020
This is one of my favorite pictures of this year. All those hands working to create a beautiful garden inspired work of heART! ~Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on October 9, 2020
Nice job! Is this on the side of your house? It would be a great keepsake if it is. Thank you for sharing!
- Mrs. Allen on October 9, 2020
Nice use of color! It makes me think of snow through a microscope even though December is a few months away! The holidays are just around the corner! Have a great year! I enjoyed your work!
- Mrs. Allen on October 9, 2020
Cool, Dude! I like your wanted poster for Science Class or was it Health Class! This would be a great school theme for the year! I hope those ribosomes are around when you need them. Thanks for sharing!
- Mrs. Allen on October 9, 2020
I love your "Peace Is My Family"!! That is how I feel about my family, too. You did a great job!! Thank you for sharing. Have a great school year!!
- Mrs. Kellum on September 27, 2020
Great work!! He looks so real and I’m glad he’s friendly!!! Yes, this would make an excellent mask!!! Be careful that your dog doesn’t mistake you for a real one!!! Thank you for sharing!!
- Mrs. Allen on June 25, 2020
I like your mask. Are those Pokemon characters that I see? Thanks for sharing your work. Keep on creating!
- Olivia on June 3, 2020
This looks like a Fifth-grade face mask!!!! I like your faces on the flowers and the expressions on your other creatures!!! I think I'd like to pet the "pikachu?" He looks safe! Good job!
- Mrs. Allen on May 23, 2020
Hi---is this a doggie mask? I would love to see this on your dog--forgot his name! Perhaps you and mother could sew it and make several for the fair in August! Hope everything is going well for you! Good job!
- Mrs. Allen on May 23, 2020
Hi, I love your design for your face mask. I like that it is blue, too. Your COVID-19 SUPER HEROS are doing a superb job because the Pikachu has a smile on his face. Great job! Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on May 18, 2020
Hi, your flower is beautiful! I love brightly colored flowers. I wish I could have flowers as bright as yours in big flowerpots on my step. Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on May 8, 2020
I like your picture.
- Olivia on April 29, 2020
Thank you for the sunny day for a sunny day!!! Nice job— like the colors!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 22, 2020
Hi!! Did your guy win the pumpkin carve?? He looks very serious and his eyes really get your attention to look at his face!! His sideburns and mustache are really good!! Keep up the good work!!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 22, 2020
Hi, I learned something new today. I was not familiar with Sumopainting until I watched the video of how to use this method. I like the picture you chose because the sunshine and blue skies makes me happy. It really looks bright and beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.
- Mrs. Kellum on April 22, 2020
Very nice Geoffrey!! Your design looks very nice with the background of leaves. I think the leaves really bring it out!! Have a great Easter!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 12, 2020
Good picture! I like your use of the red to draw attention to the main objects in your piece. Your sun looks very fiery.
- Mrs. Allen on April 8, 2020
Great job in working on bullying!!! I hope it gets picked for the website!! Good luck!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 8, 2020
You optical illusions are eye catching. They really draw you into the picture. I really like the illusion with your hand in it. I really had stare at it. Job well done!!
- Mrs. Kellum on April 8, 2020
I love your Zentangle flowers. I loved that you made them a bright color. Your detailing is great! Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.
- Mrs. Kellum on April 8, 2020
Your project creates a lot of movement — I love your choice of colors! I can imagine it taking off like a helicopter or moving like a parachute in gym class!! It looks like it was fun to do!!!
- Mrs. Allen on March 18, 2020
You did an awesome job. I wasn’t aware that your hand was in the picture until I looked at it a few times. Good for you on a great job!!!!
- Mrs. Allen on March 18, 2020
Hi G, Your Op Art Hand artwork is really "kool"! Optical illusions can be lots of fun. I like your color combination because it really makes the eye have to look for your hand. Great illusion!!
- Mrs. Kellum on February 5, 2020
Wow, it is neat to see how your hand is rising up in your artwork. Mom
- Mrs. Sf (Mother) on January 27, 2020
Great job!! I love how your bird looks as if he is ready to take off for a new adventure!! Thank you for sharing!!!
- Mrs. Allen on December 11, 2019
Really cool picture. Keep up your artistry.
- Kevin (Father) on November 19, 2019
Thank you for finishing this design. You are going to give your sister a run for her money when it come to carving pumpkins.
- Mom on November 11, 2019
Your penguins are soooo adorable. Can't wait to see your next Zentangle creation.
- Mom on November 11, 2019
For someone who couldn't think of something to draw that represented peace, this artwork turned out pretty amazing.
- Mom on November 11, 2019
Your shell ornament is so cute! It's right on time for this big blast of cold and perhaps some snow. Your ornament will look great on your tree. Great job! Keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing.
- Mrs. Kellum on November 11, 2019
Awesome idea and use of colors!! It’s almost eerie in a way and captures your imagination while looking at it!! Thanks for sharing!!!
- Mrs. Allen on October 30, 2019
You are always creating beautiful pictures. This one is no different. Your flowers are so colorful. These flowers give your picture dimension. I love your "Happy Spring" title. Keep up the good work.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on June 8, 2019
-- Mrs. A
- on June 8, 2019
-- Mrs. A
- on June 8, 2019
Hi! Nice job on capturing the influence of Georgia O'Keefe in your picture! The feathers look so real--I can almost imagine them blowing in the wind!!! Another excellent job! Keep up the good work!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on April 10, 2019
H G, My favorite holiday is Christmas and one of the things I love is to have a pretty wreath on the door. It makes the front door. Your wreath is beautiful. From the picture your wreath looks a little heart shaped but with feathery softness. Your red and gold bow is just enough sparkle. Keep up the good work. Its beautiful!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on February 3, 2019
Hi G!! I love your gingerbread man!! I hope he is ready to be eaten during Christmas break. You always do such a nice job with your colors. Have a very merry Christmas-- be sure you stay on Santa's good list all year!!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on February 3, 2019
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on November 16, 2018
Happy holidays to you as well! What a cheery card! Are these some of the things you hope to see next month? I know Santa will visit--you've been a good boy! I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends and family.
-- Mrs. Allen
- on November 16, 2018
Hi. I just love your Zentangle spider webs. They reallly stand out against the black background. They look really scary. They also remind me of looking through a kaleidoscope. Halloween is coming soon, have fun Trick-or-Treating. Watch out for those spiderwebs. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on November 2, 2018
I love all of the sizes and your placement in your picture! This will be very good for Halloween on Wednesday! Keep up the good work!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on November 2, 2018
Great job!! I hope you win in the pumpkin carvings!! These are too awesome for words!!!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 10, 2018
So proud of your panda carving. It is exciting to see your skills grow each year. I can't wait to see what you create next time.
-- Mom
- on October 2, 2018
Good job, Geoffrey!! I think you should frame this for your room. You and your partner msdr good choices of colors and shapes! Very pretty!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on September 26, 2018
Hi G! What a wonderful pinwheel! And thanks for the reminder of "Pinwheels for Peace"! Please save it for me so I can see it up close!! You are becoming a very good visual artist and I see the ways you are getting better with each project you share! Have a wonderful 4th Grade year! See you soon!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on September 22, 2018
Wow, Geoffrey! You did an awesome job again! Working with the paints on a CD is not easy to do! Be sure to make some more of these to sell at the Woodstown Christmas festival in December--it would make a great ornament for the tree! Thanks for sharing--enjoy the rest of your summer!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on August 29, 2018
Great job, GW! A perfect gift addition for Mother's Day. Did you make Grammy one, too? Looks like a lot of fun, too! Thank you for sharing!!!
-- Mrs. A
- on May 22, 2018
Wow, Geoffrey--this looks just like your mother! Even to how she parts her hair sometimes! Good observation. I think she'll really, really like this for Mother's day. Good for you!!!!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on May 22, 2018
Hi Geoffrey, I love your "Op Heart" project. I like that all of the sections are different shapes. The heart looks like it is sitting on top of the paper. You did a fantastic job!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on March 21, 2018
Hi Geoffrey, your CD Ornament reminds me of a cookie with icing and different color sprinkles and chocolate chips. I like how you divided it in half and created two different designs. You do good work! Keep it up!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on March 21, 2018
Hi Geoffrey! I love your design---it reminds me of a cookie!!! You'll have to tell me a little more about it. Maybe the next time Ellie or Mommy makes cookies, you can design one like this. Yummy!
-- Mrs. A
- on March 21, 2018
- on March 21, 2018
Hi, Everything about your skeleton is on point. You coordinated his outfit perfectly.His orange shirt works well with the orange design in his pants. The balloons are perfect. I would not change a thing. Great job!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on February 7, 2018
If this isn't the cutest truck, I wouldn't know what is!!!!! I like how you even wrote the name of the maker of the "Pig Mobile" !!! Are Toyota cars your favorites? When you blow the horn, does it sound like a pig? A small pig or a LARGE pig? Looks as if everyone is having fun on their ride! Thanks for sharing-----I love it!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on February 1, 2018
Yummy, Geoffrey! He looks as if he's a little afraid to have you around!!! You might take a bite out of him or something! Merry Christmas and love to all of your family!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on December 13, 2017
Very pretty Geoffrey! I love the colors you chose and I love how the unexpected pink really sticks out! Beautifully done! You'll have to show me how you did it! Merry Christmas to you! I hope Santa brings everything you ask for!
-- Mrs. A
- on November 30, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, Sorry I'm just getting to view your dancing skeleton. Wow--- all he needs is music to make him move! Do you dance as good as he does? He seems to be enjoying himself! Go, skeleton! Go, Eagles!
-- Mrs. A
- on November 30, 2017
You are a country boy with a big heart. Your Artist Statement is filled with all the things all children should have. Thank you for sharing.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 20, 2017
Hi. I love your pinwheel. I like the pictures you drew and the colors you chose. Keep up the good work.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 20, 2017
Hi, good job on your pinwheel for this year! I hope it blows in the wind nicely with all of the others. Have a great year in, let me see, Third Grade? Already?
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 20, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, Your Superhero is awesome.!! She looks like she is ready to get the job done. Keep up the good work!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on August 30, 2017
Hi Geoffrey! I like your Wonder Woman very much! She looks as if she is ready to go out and help the world. Where will she go first? I hope she lives nearby! Hope you're ready for school! Enjoy your last few weeks of Summer vacation!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on August 30, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, your fish looks like it is on a mission just like Dory was in a "Finding Dory." Because your fish is friendly and smart like you he will meet a lot of other nice fish on his journey. It looks like he has already met two other friends. I know he will have fun on his journey.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on August 30, 2017
Hi Geoffrey! Your fish looks very smart and knows where he is going. He seems happy with the choices he has made and is eager to start his new adventure! Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your summer!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on July 8, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, Pop-up cards are my favorite cards because everything seems to spring to life. I love your blue sky and the Digletts coming out of the ground with Ash Ketchem looking at his great work. Great work!!!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on June 21, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, I love "Your Only One You" pendent.The colors are very bright. I like bright colors. You did a very nice job on the design. Keep up the good work!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on June 21, 2017
I love your medallion, Geoffrey! What nice work! Your design is very well done!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on May 30, 2017
Geoffrey, I love your pop-up card! You did such a nice job! Is that you with the hat? Awesome!!!!!!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on May 24, 2017
Hi Geoffrey. I love your pop-up card. I love your sun-shiny day. Are there butterflies as the pop-up part of your card? I love all the colors you used. Great job.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on May 24, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, I love your sowmen standing on the hillside. They look like they are having fun looking up at the stars in the night sky. Great job.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on March 19, 2017
Fantastic job, Geoffrey! I love the stars--they seem to be twinkling. Your snowmen's expressions are very happy---do they enjoy being outside? This would look very nice on a blanket! Thanks for sharing!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on March 19, 2017
Hi Geoffrey, your self portrait is just as handsome as you. I love his smile because you are always smiling when I see you. He is a dapper dresser just like you. Great job!!!!
-- Love, Mrs. Kellum
- on February 15, 2017
Hi Geoffrey! Your mixed up chameleon, "Spoink" is so cute. He has such a colorful body and he looks so comfortable climbing through Mom's spider plant. Keep up the good work !!!
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on January 30, 2017
Hi Geoffrey! Great job on "Spoink"! I love his expression---he looks like he had a goooood Christmas! Hope yours was good, too! See you soon!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on January 30, 2017
Wow, Geoffrey! That is a delicious looking cookie! Yummy, yummy! Enjoy your Christmas!
-- Love, Mrs. Allen
- on December 21, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! The icing is the best part that I like of your cookie! Are you saving any for Holton? Merry Christmas and enjoy!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on December 14, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! Don't make too many-- I don't want a snowstorm just yet! A few flakes Christmas Eve will do! Enjoy your weeks before Christmas. It will be here very soon!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on December 14, 2016
Your owl is so very cute. We need a whole tree of nature critters.
-- Mom
- on December 5, 2016
Hi Geoffrey, Your person has a very interesting face. He looks as if he could be angry or goofy! I like your use of the orange, especially on the top of his head.
-- Mrs. Allen
- on December 5, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! It looks like you're getting ready for Christmas! I love your tree! -- Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2016
GW, I like your Wood Slice Ornaments. The tree is very colorful. Love, Grammy
- on November 25, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! I think the story of "Danse Macabre" would go perfectly with your picture. Have Holton or Ellie tell you the story behind the music before you listen! Happy Halloween!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 19, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! You're all set for Halloween! Enjoy!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 13, 2016
Oh, I see the other side of your pinwheel, Geoffrey! Great job---I love your animals!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 2, 2016
Good job, Geoffrey! I love the peace signs on your pinwheel! Keep up the good work! See you soon!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on October 2, 2016
Hi Geoffrey! I like the patterns you created with the rainbow colors on the left and right sides of the paper. The shapes in the center seem to be kinds of fruit or vegetables. Great job! See you this weekend!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on June 2, 2016
Geoffrey, I love the bright colors in your fancy rainbow. Grammy
- on May 22, 2016
Hi Geoffrey! I love your colorful "birds"! You did such a nice job and I love each of their expressions. I like how each one has its own number of feathers on the top of their heads. Thank you for sharing this with me. Keep up the good work.
-- Mrs. Allen
- on March 11, 2016
Geoffrey, I like your brightly colored birds. Love, Grammy
- on March 9, 2016
Hi Geoffrey, Wow! What a different picture from the last one! I'm glad to see that your flying creatures have smiles. That makes me feel better. Are there two big snails (No! They're butterflies!) crawling next to your rainbow? I like what you did with the ground under their feet. It makes it look as if they are jumping or hopping as they go! Thank you for sharing your picture with me!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on February 2, 2016
Hi Geoffrey! Wow! Your "Ball Games" picture is very busy. Is that you in the orange shirt near the center? Are you keeping score? Good luck to the teams! Looks like they're having fun! Thanks for sharing!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on January 27, 2016
Hi Geoffrey, Your picture is very good. Which stencils did you use? It looks almost like a maze. I like your colors too!.
-- Mrs. Allen
- on January 10, 2016
Hey GW, Who's that in your picture? Are those pigs, turtles, and a "skunk"? Then mom, dad, sister, and brother. I think the picture is sups cute! :)
- on December 11, 2015
I love how Rudolph looks like he is trying to see past the camera at the other reindeer. I wonder how Santa gets his reindeer to listen to him?
- on December 11, 2015
Hi Geoffrey, I love your Rudolph with his big red nose. Santa should certainly be able to find everybody's house easily on Christmas Eve with Rudolph's help. Be sure to get your Christmas list in to Santa early this year! He's gonna be very busy. -- Mrs. Allen
- on November 30, 2015
Wow, Geoffrey! I love your snowflakes! They would make a beautiful pair of earrings for your Grammy for Christmas! I know they will look wonderful on your tree. Be sure to put them right in front in the middle so everyone can see! Thank you for sharing with me!
-- Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2015
Hi Geoffrey, Happy Holidays to you, too. I hope your card wins! Good luck! Mrs. Allen
- on November 18, 2015
Where are the horns on the cow.
-- geoffrey
- on November 8, 2015
Hi Geoffrey! Looks like a very cold Halloween night. Even the pumpkin looks cold! Burr! Dress warm and have a happy Halloween! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on October 30, 2015
Abstract art is one of my favorite kinds of art. Your imagination makes beautiful art. I love your colorful picture. Keep up the good work.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 28, 2015
Good job, Geoffrey! Your picture looks as if it is swirling around and around! How fast can it go? Thank you for sending it to me! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on October 27, 2015
Looks like Super Geoffrey to the rescue! Great job! Mrs. Allen
- on October 4, 2015
I love all of the colors you used on your pinwheel for peace. It is very pretty. I like lots of color. - Mrs.Kellum
- on October 4, 2015
Hi there GW, I love your superpower letter. I know you will do great things this year. - Mrs. Kellum
- on October 4, 2015
Dogs are beautiful animals that bring peace to many people. I like your choice. Your pinwheel for peace will be beautiful.
-- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 1, 2015
Good job, Geoffrey! I love your animals! Mrs. Allen
- on September 23, 2015
Wasn't it exciting today seeing an entire field of black angus cows? Great job.
-- Mom
- on July 9, 2015
GW you did an amazing job this year learning how to read. I am so proud of all you do and how much you are learning.
-- Mom
- on July 9, 2015
GW your minions and Gru are fantastic. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see your next work of art.
-- Mom
- on June 20, 2015
I really like your picture.
-- Holton
- on June 17, 2015
I like your fish and rabbit.
-- Juan
- on June 17, 2015
Geoffrey I like your cow
- on June 17, 2015
I like your turtle.
-- Mirna
- on June 11, 2015
I like your turtle.
-- Xavier
- on June 11, 2015
I like your rabbit and fish.
-- Olivia
- on June 11, 2015
Hi Geoffrey! Your cow looks like he is very content. Does he give a lot of milk? I like his spots, too. Thank you for sharing your picture! You do great stuff! Mrs. Allen
- on June 10, 2015
Hey Geoffrey! I love your animal! You did it all by yourself? It's great! If you still have it at school I'd love to see it in person. Fantastic! Mrs. Allen
- on April 26, 2015
What are you doing in this? I like Your picture.
-- Ellie
- on April 21, 2015
I know you know your primarys, but do you know your secondary colors and how to make them? I love how you saw Kevin and other minions in it. Keep up the good work.
-- Ellie
- on April 21, 2015
How'd you make the cool designs? I love this.
-- Ellie
- on April 21, 2015
What type of fish is this? I like the hook with a worm.
-- Ellie
- on April 21, 2015
Geoffrey, I love your perfect tree. You are a great artist. Love you buddy,
-- Daddy
- on April 21, 2015
Looks like you're having fun! Who is flying kites with you? Have a great time and enjoy the weather. Mrs. Allen
- on March 30, 2015
Your platypus-shark-swordfish made daddy smile. Great job!
-- Mommy
- on March 28, 2015
Wow, what did you catch in McElligot's pool? Are you hoping dad takes you fishing this year?
-- Mom
- on March 12, 2015
Wow, Geoffrey! I wouldn't want to be in the pool with that shark! He might eat me! It's a good thing his head is red so I can see him if I decided to go swimming! Good job! Is that seaweed in the pool, too? Mrs. Allen
- on March 12, 2015
Wow, Geoffrey! I love your swirls and dots! Do I see a mouse in there? What about a crab or an upside-down stick figure? Nice job! Mrs. Allen
- on February 26, 2015
So pretty.
-- Andrew
- on February 16, 2015
Geoffrey I like your gingerbread man because of all the orange sugary icing.
-- Holton
- on February 13, 2015
Is this a ninja gingerbread man? It looks like he is blowing a party horn. XOXOX
-- Ellie
- on February 16, 2015
Is this dad or mom with you as snowmen? Or is it olaf and his baby? What ever it is I love it. -Ellie
- on February 13, 2015
That ginger bread man looks really tasty :)
-- Donovan
- on February 13, 2015
We love all of your snowman art.
-- Mom and Dad
- on January 25, 2015
The Gingerbread looks pretty funny!
-- Christopher
- on January 21, 2015
I like your Gingerbread Man
-- Dimeunique
- on January 21, 2015
I like your picture.
-- Mirna
- on January 21, 2015
i like your snowman picture.
-- Brielle
- on January 21, 2015
I like your snowman.
-- Chase
- on January 21, 2015
I like your snowman.
-- jackson
- on January 21, 2015
Wow, Geoffrey! I love your snowman and his big hat! What's that in the tree? Is it all decorated for Christmas or is there an animal hiding there looking at the snowman? Please let me know when I see you on Tuesday. Mrs. Allen
- on January 18, 2015
Love the view of our backyard. Great job, GW!
-- Mom
- on January 8, 2015
Your cookie looks delicious! Yummy! Mrs. Allen
- on December 29, 2014
Look at the wind blowing your snowmen! Wow! It really looks cold--just like our story! Great job, Geoffrey! Mrs. Allen
- on December 17, 2014
Good job on your owl, Geoffrey! He looks very sunny with the bright oranges you chose. I love his blue eyes, too! Mrs. Allen
- on December 9, 2014
Your trees are very good, Geoffrey. They look so happy to be getting ready for cold weather. Mrs. Allen
- on November 13, 2014
Your happy faces are great! I hope your card gets picked. Mrs. Allen
- on November 1, 2014
How beautiful, Geoffrey! I love your choice of colors! May I have a copy of your picture for my desk? I think it is just wonderful. Mrs. Allen
- on October 31, 2014
That pumpkin has an awfully sneaky look. What is he up to anyway?
-- Mom
- on October 21, 2014
Great job, Geoffrey! I love your swirls and circles! Your colors are nice, too. Which song were you listening to? It looks as if you really enjoyed it! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on October 17, 2014
I like your pumpkin's glasses.
- on October 9, 2014
-- LEE
- on October 9, 2014
I love the glasses you put on your pumpkin.
- on October 9, 2014
Hi Geoffrey ! I love your jack-o-lantern! His eyes look so nice and I love his smile. Be sure to put him up high on the wall so everyone can see. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on October 8, 2014
G.W. I like your bright colored leaves. Good Job! Love, Grammy
- on October 3, 2014
Wow, Geoffrey! What bright beautiful colors! I love how you carefully glued them on to make them look real. Great job! Mrs. A
- on October 2, 2014
I am so excited that you are finally in Mannington. Looking forward to all of your amazing artwork.
- on October 2, 2014
Aw, your hand print eagle is adorable. Great Work!
-- Mom
- on July 3, 2014
Look at what your tootsies could create with paint. Adorable!
-- Mom
- on March 31, 2014
Feeling crabby ?
-- Mom
- on March 29, 2014
Awe, your tootsies make adorable butterfly wings! So cute!
-- Ellie
- on April 1, 2014
Is this you and your dad
-- Ellie
- on March 29, 2014
Will you make more angry birds?
-- Ellie
- on December 11, 2013
It's sooooooooo cute GW hope you do more.
-- Ellie
- on November 25, 2013
GW Daddy loved your portrait of him. He likes the hair you gave him.
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2013