You have what it takes. Always expect something different from you!! -- Louise & Norman
- on October 8, 2013
Cade, Love your latest artwork! We think your the best -- Joan
- on October 6, 2013
Cade Your artwork is exceptional! We are so proud of your artistry Love Nana Joan and Poppa Tony -- joan
- on December 8, 2012
Hi, Cade, Your new artwork is so beautiful and we love the design. You do such a wonderful job and we love you sharing this with us. Keep up the good work. We Love You... Grandma & G-Pa -- Louise and Norman
- on December 8, 2012
Hi, dear Grandson, Your picture is sooo cute. As usual, you did a great job. Love the little characters you drew and their comments to each other. Very imaginative. We love you much and keep up the good work. With love, Grandma & G-Pa -- Louise and Norman
- on December 14, 2011
Hi, Cade Love your artwork, especially the drawing of Captain Underpants (my favorite). All your characters are so cute like you. We love you much and miss you. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and G-pa -- Louise and Norman
- on December 14, 2011
Hi, Cade, Your portrait is so adorable (just like you)! Love the hairstyle and little pointed nose and big blue/green eyes. Keep up the good work! Hugs and much kisses, Grandma & Grandpa -- Louise and Norman
- on December 14, 2011
Hi, Cade Your artwork is amazing. The colors are beautiful and everything is in line. You always do a great job. We love you much and keep up the good work when you get back to school. Love you forever, Grandma & Grandpa -- Louise and Norman
- on June 8, 2011
Cade, That is absolutry beautiful! We are very proud of you and your drawings. love Nana Joan & Papa Tony -- joan
- on May 8, 2011
Dear Cade, Your artwork is amazing. We know how much you love sunflowers and your drawing is so pretty. Keep up the good work. We love you very much and will see you soon. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa -- Gradma and Grandpa
- on June 8, 2011
Hi, Cade, Your royalty picture is amazing. You are going to be a great artist!! Keep up the good work. We love you very much and miss you. Love...Hugs and Kisses Grandma and Grandpa -- Gradma and Grandpa
- on March 17, 2011
Dear Cade, Your snowman is absolutely the best. You did such a great job. Loved his carrot nose. We love you much, Grandma & Grandpa -- Gradma and Grandpa
- on February 12, 2011
Hi, Cade, Your artwork is so good. Love the Christmas trees, but best of all love the stars on top of trees. We will see you soon. Love you, Grandma and Grandpa -- Louise and Norman
- on December 17, 2010
What a great picture. Hope you enjoyed eating the leaf. -- Grandpa
- on December 8, 2010
Hi, dear Cade, Your drawing is fantastic. What a great job. Poor little Salmon. Hope he gets away. Keep up the good work. We love you much. Hugs and Kisses Grandma and Grandpa -- Grandma
- on December 8, 2010
Awesome! You're the best!!! Love Mommy, Daddy & Kenidy xo -- Dawn
- on October 26, 2010
Dear Grandson, Your drawing is the BEST! picture of a bus. Reminds me of when I rode the school bus in school. HA HA. Love you much, Grandma and Grandpa -- Grandma