Aidan1766's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about Aidan1766's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This might be one of my Favorites Aidan! I love the color and patterns!
-- Mom
- on March 27, 2013
The details on these are great! Would love more color - but you probably ran out of time. Maybe color it and we can re-submit it! Love you.
-- Mom
- on March 27, 2013
I love how you used the entire page and I love the background of the sky with clouds and the sand. You are a very good artist!
-- Mom
- on March 27, 2013
This drawing is out of this world!! Literally. :) It looks like there's a great story behind this picture; wish I knew what it was . . . Love you!!!
-- Audrey
- on March 9, 2013
This is fabulous!!! Looks like you went to the beach and built a giant sand castle? Don't think I see Kamp Koyote but I'm sure it's in there somewhere! Love you!! xoxo
-- Audrey
- on October 6, 2012
Dear Aidan, What a handsome guy you are, and this self-portrait shows a beautiful smiling face. It makes me feel very happy. You are quite an artist. Lots of love, Grampa Bob
-- Robert
- on September 15, 2012
Aidan this is adorable!!!! you look very happy!!! we miss you xoxoxo
-- audrey
- on September 15, 2012
Should we call you Aidan or Picasso? Your artwork is WONDERFUL. I love your bright colors as they are some of my favorites. Keep up the great work....I love you, Grandy
-- Grandy
- on March 10, 2012
Hearts, different colors and shapes, a very loving composition. Aidan, you are good at putting feelings in a drawing. And how do you feel when you create these pictures? They make me feel warm and loved. And happy. Thank you, love Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on March 10, 2012
Wonderful and full of love! just like you! Love the contrasting colors.
-- Audrey
- on March 10, 2012
Aidan...................these mittens look so warm!!! This is BEAUTIFUL art work and the colors you chose are great! I wish I had a pair of mittens like them! I love you....Great job!
-- Grandy
- on March 10, 2012
We'd like to hear the story that you wrote with your wonderful Santa picture. He looked like a very joyful Santa. Good job, sweet boy. Love to you, Granddaddy and Grandma
-- Granddaddy
- on January 24, 2012
Aidan what beautiful bright colors!!! makes me feel warm and cheerful on a chilly morning. xoxo
-- Audrey
- on January 24, 2012
Makes me SMILE! Great work!
-- Dad
- on January 24, 2012
Aidan, yet another colorful work. You are bursting with creativity. I like the colors and all of the smiles in this piece. Was this inspired by the famous artist Klee? Sending love, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on January 24, 2012
paul klee only WISHES he had your sense of joy and humor Aidan! This is wonderful!!! xoxoxo audrey
-- audrey
- on January 24, 2012
Wow! I love it!
-- Dad
- on October 14, 2011
Hello, sweet boy! As the sun is light for the planets, you are a special light for us. Love, Granddaddy
-- Granddaddy
- on October 14, 2011
Aidan, fall is here and your beautiful picture reminds me that your Granddaddy is going to have me outside very soon raking up leaves. Beautiful colors! So much love for you.
-- Shjirley
- on October 4, 2011
Aidan, this is great. You have real talent! Love you.
-- Charles
- on October 4, 2011
Aidan, Yet another masterpiece. Very creative. Love GrandpaBob
-- Bob
- on October 4, 2011
you are a very bright and happy apple, Aidan dear! I am so impressed how you stayed within the lines; I could never do that! love love love Audrey
-- audrey
- on October 4, 2011
Aidan, That is a very happy looking apple holding a pencil and a book. I wonder what he is up to. I like the colors, looks like he has red fingers. Neat! I loved the seascape picture also. And Hat Man. Love you, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on October 4, 2011
This is a wonderful picture, Aidan. You've certainly created a neat picture. Love you.
-- Shirley
- on September 22, 2011
Aidan, this might be one of my favorite pictures of yours because of the wonderful colors and great shapes you used. I also love how you filled the whole picture with color. You are a talented artist!
-- Mom
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan this artwork is so colorful and exciting. This makes me want to put my sneakers on and jump in the pond!!! sending love!!!
-- audrey
- on September 22, 2011
Aidan, Super picture, 3 dimensional. How did you do that? And I like the hat. Who is wearing it? Love you, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan, I really like "Man of Many Hats." He makes me feel as happy as he looks.
-- Shirley
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan, Wonderful depiction of your school bus. Having fun? Hope so. Love you, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on September 16, 2011
you're such a handsome devil, Aidan! Just like your Dad and Grandpa Bob!!! Love love love Audrey
-- Audrey
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan, I am really excited about your artwork. I especially like the picture titled "Aidan." The beautiful smile in the picture reminds me of your really special smile that warms our hearts. Great job! Grandma
-- Shirley
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan is this your bus? It is such a cheerful yellow! I think I can see you in the window . . . I love you!!! Audrey
-- Audrey
- on September 16, 2011
It's a rainy morning in Vermont but your picture reminds me that the rain will bring beautiful bright flowers!!! Such a cheerful and beautiful picture, Aidan!! Can't wait to see you soon.
-- Audrey
- on September 16, 2011
Aidan, WOW, I love this picture. How did you construct and draw it? Are there cut out pieces? And the waves in the foreground look very real. Good work. Love Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on September 16, 2011
Wow Aidan that is a very sleek boat!! Wish I could take a ride on it with you. the snow is melting in Vermont and we can't wait to see you in August! xoxoxoxo Audrey
-- Audrey
- on September 16, 2011
Dear Aidan, Secondary colors....hmm, what does that mean? Purple, green, orange, and what color is that on the bottom? I like the way the colors seem to dance across the page. Another fine work of art. Sending love, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on September 16, 2011
I would have known old honest Abe anywhere!!! Great job Aidan and Happy President's Day!! Love you!!
-- Audrey
- on March 19, 2011
Dear Aidan, Yet another masterpiece. I like the action in this one, and the building made of sticks, is this his house? Keep up the good work. Love you. Grandpa Bob
-- Robert
- on March 19, 2011
Beautiful!!! I love the contrast of the snow against the blue sky, Aidan. We have LOTS of snow here, more than we need so maybe we will send you some? Sending love, Audrey
-- audrey
- on February 1, 2011
beautiful Aidan!!! Did you have fun with your Grandpa Bob? He had SO MUCH fun with you!!! xoxoxoox Audrey
-- audrey
- on January 20, 2011
Dear Aidan, "K-Circles", hmmm...what could that mean. I know, "K" as in cupcaKes! Yumm, I would like to eat them all. Great colors. Wonderful creation, you very talented artist. Love, Grandpa Bob
-- Robert
- on November 11, 2010
Aidan I love this!!!! It is so colorful and beautiful!!!! It absolutely brightened my day. Love you! Audrey
-- Audrey
- on November 11, 2010
Aidan, I am anxious to hear the story behind this special piece of art with those purple triangles. Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma
-- Shirley
- on November 11, 2010
Aidan, That is a very happy looking penguin. Another fine piece of artwork from a budding artist. Keep up the good work. Love you. Grandpa Bob
-- Robert
- on October 30, 2010
Aidan, Wonderful design with great colors. Good job. Looks like another engineer/artist in the family. Sending love, Grandpa Bob
-- Bob
- on October 27, 2010
That is beautiful Aidan!!! I love the colors. It almost seems like it's moving! xoxoxox Audrey
-- Audrey
- on October 27, 2010
Aidan this is so wonderful!!! The colors are so bright and the shapes are so interesting. Grandpa Bob and I are very impressed!
-- Audrey
- on October 19, 2010
Aidan, Oops, I meant Harold's purple crayon. Sorry Mark. Grandpa Bob
-- Robert
- on October 19, 2010
Dear Artist Aidan, A very exciting and colorful picture. I say exciting because I see a lot of action in this drawing. It appears to be a big mouth about to eat a barn. Or maybe a factory smokestack is piercing the nose of the big face. Oh no, it is a ship sailing close to shore and above is a flying fish. Or is that a crescent moon? So many possiblities. Best of all is your title " Mark's purple crayon", you used quite a bit of it. Keep it up. Love you, Grandpa Bob
-- Robert
- on October 19, 2010
Aidan, I LOVE this piece. The colors you used look so good together. I hope you do lots more art! Love, Mommy.
-- Christine
- on October 15, 2010