Finn112's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Finn112's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I see from your work that you enjoyed our study of Maurice Sendak and his amazing use of line. What a wonderful way to set your wild thing off in the sea with the curving white space surrounding him. Wonderful application of color in the water.
- Judy (teacher at Hiawatha School) on January 7, 2013
Good facial proportion, the position of the eyes and nose are good. You provided me with many details to show that you enjoy being outside with you dog. Nice job.
- Judy (teacher at Hiawatha School) on December 13, 2012
Dear Finn, Bompa and I think your apple tree is beautiful. The apples look ready to pick!! Love, Grammie and Bompa
-- Mary
- on November 11, 2010
Great job Finn! I really like the background sky. The branches look very realistic.
-- Damon
- on November 11, 2010