Kyle7066's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Kyle7066's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I see from your work that you enjoyed our study of Maurice Sendak and his amazing use of line.
- Judy (teacher at Hiawatha School) on January 7, 2013
Nice details in your background.
- Judy (teacher at Hiawatha School) on December 13, 2012
Hi Kyle I really love this artwork. You did a wonderful job again,Grandma is so proud of you,You are Grandma's Boy always and you know it,don't you?
-- Diana
- on October 12, 2011
Aunt Debbie is so proud of you.You did a great job. Love you Aunt Debbie
-- Debbie
- on February 10, 2011
Aunt Sue was so surprized to see this artwork. You really did a wonderful job on this one. Keep them coming. Love Aunt Sue.
-- Sue
- on February 10, 2011
Papa really loves this and Papa really knows you work very hard on this piece.Let us see alot more. Love you Papa.
-- Michael
- on February 10, 2011
Kyle this artwork is really colorful and it looks like you put alot of work in this grandma is so proud of you keep up the good work Love you grandma.
-- Diana
- on February 10, 2011
Kyle We are so proud of you We love your artwork.keepup the beautiful colors. We want to see alot more. We love you Mom and Dad.
-- Melissa
- on November 10, 2010
Kyle you did a wonderful job on this artwork.I love it.Want to see alot more. Love you Aunt Debbie
-- Debbie
- on November 10, 2010
Kyle I love your artwork,Wanted to tell you did a great job on this one.I want to see alot more. Love You Aunt Sue.
-- Sue
- on November 10, 2010
Kyle Papa is so proud of you I think your artwork is colorful and it looks like a real Apple tree.Let Papa see alot more artwork from you. Love You Papa.
-- Michael
- on November 10, 2010
Kyle Grandma is so proud of you.I love your artwork.Colors are perfect and looks like a Vermont sky in the fall.Keep up the great work. Love You so much Grandma.
-- Diana
- on November 10, 2010