Jaden, this picture is great! You definitely have talent :) -- Casey
- on October 8, 2010
I love your piggy, it is a beautiful picture. Keep up the great work and you may be a famous artist one day and make your mommy even more proud of you! -- Lori
- on October 8, 2010
WOW! Nanny is so proud of you. This work is awesome, hope to see it hanging at the Mall Show this year. -- Nanny
- on October 7, 2010
Jaden, very nice job on your scarecrow & little piggy. You are a very talented artist. Keep up the good work. -- Lance
- on October 8, 2010
Jaden, Mommy loves this one too! I love the hills in it! You are so artisitc!!!! -- Mommy
- on October 7, 2010
Jaden! Mommy is soooo proud of you! I love it! Mrs. Lori says she wants a t-shirt with this pig on it! She loves pigs and his one little tooth! -- Mommy