Kellen154's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Kellen154's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great picture Kellen!
-- Julie & Carl
- on October 16, 2016
Nice work! I'm ready for baseball season too! Looking forward to a summer of games. Love, Dad
-- Tom
- on September 27, 2017
Kellen, I love your Victorian house! Such excellent detail!
-- Alicia
- on December 15, 2014
Kellen, nice artwork! The little picture on the website probably does not do it justice. It looks really detailed. Nice work!
-- Kristin
- on December 15, 2014
Love the dragon! How many points did you have to make? My hand is tired just from looking at it!
-- Dad
- on February 12, 2014
Kellen - I like most of your work very much. The cats (both of them) are really nice. I also like this work which is a kind of weaving. You must show me how you did this. Reminds me of a few paintings by Paul Klee (check him out on the internet or in a book from the library.
-- OPA
- on October 16, 2013
Kellen, looks like a great stained glass window from a church! Love it. Love, Dad
-- Tom
- on October 16, 2013
Kellen, this one is my favorite. It looks like a stained glass window!
-- Kristin
- on October 10, 2013
What a wonderfully subdued color combination and how nice that it is repeated in the border. Next time you come over we will try to use the drawng animals book. We could work on a pig for Trevor!
-- OPA
- on September 20, 2013
Kellen - What an interesting tree. Is it from some galaxy far far away, where the light is blue-green instead of our spectrum (rainbow colors that make white). Did you use tape to get straight lines? Very nice blending of cooler colors with the pink accents. Like it. Opa
-- Opa Marty
- on October 10, 2013
Very patriotic Kellen! I love the contrast this one has with that bright blue background.
-- Dad
- on October 10, 2013
Kellen, You are very creative. I like the picture of the flowers, one blooming and one that either hasn't bloomed yet, or already bloomed. Good contrast! Good nature scene. Keep up the good work. Love Grampa.
-- Carl
- on December 6, 2011
Kellen, You are very creative. I like the picture of the flowers, one blooming and one that either hasn't bloomed yet, or already bloomed. Good contrast! Good nature scene. Keep up the good work. Love Grampa.
-- Carl
- on December 6, 2011
Kellen- What a nifty fish, reminds me a little of your father's, but yours is much brighter, and of your cousin Chelsea's, but yours is more stately and serene, while hers is swishy and moving. Very good work, nice colors and good use of green (sea weed) to give depth.
-- OPA
- on December 3, 2011
Beautiful cat, Kellen! And the rug looks incredibly realistic! I'm glad to know that in addition to being an excellent reader you are an attentive artist, too.
-- Aunt Laurie
- on November 9, 2011
Kellen, This is your best artowk ever. I love it!!!
-- OMA
- on May 28, 2011
Spectacular job Kellen! I thought maybe this was done by Pablo himself! Love, Dad
-- dad
- on May 28, 2011
I love the differing shapes and bright colors you used. Next time you visit you should ask Opa to show you some art work from other artists that work in somewhat the same style. Opa has many, many art books.
-- OMA
- on May 28, 2011
Awesome circles! It has me in a trance Kellen. It's like a jedi mind trick.
-- Dad
- on February 11, 2011