That's a GREAT self portrait, Aiden. I like the glasses. Two thumbs up. -- Cheryl
- on October 26, 2015
Love it Aiden!!!! -- Karen
- on October 26, 2015
So cool..xoxo
- on March 28, 2015
Love the smile ??
- on March 28, 2015
Love the blanket xoxo
- on March 28, 2015
Very colorful xoxo
- on March 28, 2015
Orange ??
- on March 28, 2015 xoxo
- on March 28, 2015
This is so cool how your name is in this!!! -- Sharon
- on June 29, 2014
Love the water colors!! -- Sharon
- on June 29, 2014
This is awesome Aiden!! -- Sharon
- on June 29, 2014
So colorful :) -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
Can't wait to hang this one up for Valentine's Day! -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
Love this! Would never know its ripped paper. Good job!! -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
Aiden - You put a unique twist on your picture by making the trunk of your tree small at the bottom and large at the top. I feel like your owl is at the top of the tree.
- Kathy (teacher at Wanaque Elementary School) on December 10, 2012