LOVE THIS ONE! Your use of color combinations is nice and cheerful. Your drawings have become very diversified (ask Mommy what this means) and if you keep this up I think you should think about considering oil painting when you get a little older. Love you! -- Phylene
- on November 16, 2016
WOW........This is just great...I really like the center with all the different colors.....I'll bet it took a while to complete......Keep up the great work....... Grandpa W -- Richard
- on November 16, 2016
Pretty neat Matt....I like the way you changed the whites and blacks.....Love Grandpa Williams -- Richard
- on November 16, 2016
Hi! I think this is your best work so far! Love you! Grandma and Grandpa -- Chippy
- on November 16, 2016
It's amazing how this is the plate before you add the ink. Love, Mom
- on March 15, 2015
Nice job on your first ink job, Matt. Love, Mom
- on March 15, 2015
The ink contrast on this looks great. Love, Mom
- on March 15, 2015
I like your town because it is tall and colorful. Love, Jack
- on March 15, 2015
I like your fruits because it looks tasty and scrumptious. Love, Jack
- on March 15, 2015
I like your penguin because it almost looks like a real penguin. Love, Jack
- on March 15, 2015
I love how this ink looks! Love, Mom
- on March 15, 2015
Nice work Matt. -- Paul
- on March 15, 2015
Beautiful! Just like the real painting!! -- Aunt Jackie
- on December 30, 2014
Loving the elephant. You are a great artist! -- Aunt Jackie
- on December 30, 2014
I love this! -- Aunt Jackie
- on December 30, 2014
You are very talented! I love this city picture! I can't wait to see all of your masterpieces! -- Shannon
- on December 30, 2014
I can't wait to show you the city this Friday! Love your art work!!! Love, Mom
- on December 30, 2014
Great use of water paint!
- on December 30, 2014
Love the 3-D effect!
- on December 30, 2014
I enjoy looking at this piece because I can see many different pictures. Cool!
- on December 30, 2014
I love how the picture changes based on the direction of the rectangles.
- on December 30, 2014
Fun assignment!
- on December 30, 2014
This makes me think of Van Gogh's one stary night. Great job!
- on December 30, 2014
I love this - very cleverly done!
- on December 30, 2014
Matt - you did such an amazing job on your still life! Keep up the good work. I love the window you added. Love, Mrs. Ric -- Kathy
- on December 30, 2014
I remember doing leaf rubbings as a child. We'll have to show Jack how to do it also. Love, Matt -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
I love looking at this closely and seeing the imprint of the leaves. The earth colors are a nice touch. Love, Mom -- Mom
- on July 2, 2013
These lines freak me out! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
This reminds me of Skyline Drive. Nice job, Matt. Love, Dad -- Dad
- on July 2, 2013
I remember learning about VanGogh as a child. Nice impression of Starry Night. Love, Mom -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
Nice tesselations, Matt. Love, Mom -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
It looks like there is a bird flying on the left side of the tree. Cool job, Matt. Love, Dad -- Dad
- on June 30, 2013
I love this. The colors and the depth of the tree are great. Bravo, Matt! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on June 30, 2013
Hey Matt, this is so cool! Love it. Can't wait to hear how you did this. Love, Mom -- Mom
- on October 31, 2012
I lovedthe way you placed your leaves in all different directions to add dimension to your leaf rubbings. Love, Mom -- Mom
- on October 31, 2012
I like the change of's the same color of leaves, on my tree in the front yard. -- Richard
- on October 29, 2012 need to explain this one to me......I know it's a leaf but how did you get the this perfect picture of the leaf... -- Richard
- on October 29, 2012
I really like this one....I think the color and the outline of the leaves are really good.... -- Richard
- on October 29, 2012
Well we start another new year.....I can't believe your in the fourth grade. I can remember my year in the fourth grade......a long long time ago, I had a great time...the teachers were great and everyone had a great time.....I wish the same for you....... Grandpa W -- Richard
- on October 29, 2012
Matt - Grandpa and I love this! Very creative and colorful. Good imagination. Keep up the good work! -- PHYLENE
- on October 29, 2012
I love how you show what the luck of the Irish should look like. I think it's cute how the eyes appear to be looking to the side. -- Mom
- on October 29, 2012
Nice work Mathew.....good cutting and pasting.....well put together but why the red shoes ? See you soon..... Love Grandpa W -- Richard
- on April 30, 2012
Matthew Another great picture.....I think I've seen this kind of art work in gallerys in New York City....Keep us the good work..... Love Grandpa Williams -- Richard
- on April 30, 2012
Great Job, Matty. Keep up the great work!! Love, Uncle Robby -- Rob
- on April 30, 2012
I love the way the Lorax is looking right at me. Well done, Matt Love, Mom -- Mom
- on April 30, 2012
Nice work Matt.....I hope the guy in the middle with the green nose isn't me.... Love Grandpa -- Richard
- on January 19, 2012
Wow! Great work! You are becoming quite the artist. Keep it up! Love you! -- Grandma Chippy
- on January 10, 2012
I like how the fish looks 3-D like he's actually swimming. Love, Mom -- christine
- on December 17, 2011
Matt, Nice duck,,,,,I really like the red ears too....... Grandpa W -- Grandpa
- on December 17, 2011
Awesome job Matt!! I love to see the great work you've been doing!! Look out Picasso here comes my son!!! -- Dad
- on December 12, 2011
Nice work Mat.....Look like it could be a flying fish...... Love Grandpa W -- Richard
- on December 10, 2011
Matthew, I really like the cardinal in the snow......I have 2 cardinals in my backyard every winter. They really are easy to view with the white snow background. Thanks again to the great picture... Grandpa W........... -- Richard
- on December 10, 2011
Mat I love this...We have 2 cardinal familys that live in our yard. They really stand out in the snow, just like I see on your drawing. I think this one is the best so far...GREAT WORK Grandpa W. -- Richard
- on December 10, 2011
Hi Matt. You did a great job on this picture. I love the cardinal! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on November 30, 2011
Nice job, Matty! Keep up the great work. Love you, Dad -- Dad
- on November 29, 2011
I am happy to see a happy face. And it's around when Santa Claus comes once a year. Love, Jack -- Jack
- on November 27, 2011
I love the colors you chose for this. They really make the cut out look awesome! -- Mom
- on October 30, 2011
I love the name you gave to your latest picture....."Sunny Day" Love Grandpa W -- Richard
- on October 30, 2011
Matthew, Your will have to explain this picture to me the next time i see you. Love Grandpa W -- GrandpaW
- on October 30, 2011
Dear Matty, I love the picture!! You've got a special talent in art and happy to see everything you made and will make. Keep up for the GREAT work!! I love you, Dad -- Dad
- on October 30, 2011
Hi Matt! Grandpa and I just looked at your art work. You are very talented. I don't think it's possible to just pick one but Grandpa chose the pumpkin and I chose the snowman. Keep up the good work! We'll be waiting for more! We have signed up to join your Fan Club. Lots of love! -- chippy
- on October 17, 2011
Mathhew, Great work....This is my favorite time of year and your picture shows all the great colors that make it so special. -- Granpa W
- on October 16, 2011
Matthew...I love the tree with all the leaves falling off for October. And the bird nest is so cute. The house next to the tree looks just like the house your daddy grew up in when he was a little boy and there was a big apples tree in our back yard. your picture made me remember our back yard from many years ago. BEAUTIFUL JOB....WELL DONE. -- GrandmaWilliams
- on October 16, 2011
You did such a nice job on this. I love all the colors and how you included a bird's nest. -- Mom