Marcus1553's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Marcus1553's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This one reminds me of Bart Simpson. Nice Job!! Sonnoz
-- MOM
- on October 6, 2011
Hey Marcus all of your artwork is the bomb!! I like everyone and am so proud to have one of your original works (the Marcus tree) hanging in my office. Keep up the good work, your are a talented artist! Love ya lots, Gramma & Papa
-- Kristy
- on October 6, 2011
Very Beautiful Sonnoz! Love the heart Gem
-- Mom
- on May 24, 2011
I love this Sonnoz. I have it hanging in my office @ work! The saying on it is precious. " This isn't just a butterfly as you can plainly see. I made it with my hand which is a part of me. It comes with lots of Love Especially to say. I hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day!"
-- MOM
- on May 24, 2011
Like your perfect circles. You used great colors and way to stay in the lines. Cute picture! Keep up the good work. Mom
-- Mom
- on April 5, 2011
Marcus: Your detail in this drawing is GREAT! I like how you have the pigs back legs off the ground to show he is flying!!!! Great job! Love ya!
-- Auntie Mim
- on April 2, 2011
Hey, Marcus: Your idea for your witch's hair is AWSOME! She kind of looks like your Aunt Jayci ;-) (JK - Jayci). Maybe we should start having craft days at my house again?
-- Auntie Mim
- on April 2, 2011
Wow, I like this bird, it must be ready to sign a song! Marcus keep up the good work !
-- Yvette
- on April 1, 2011
This frog looks like he is singing. What song would it be?
-- Mom
- on April 1, 2011
Does this bird eat "fruit Loops"?
-- Mom
- on March 18, 2011
What a cute little penguin! He resembles "Mambo".
-- MOM
- on February 22, 2011
Marcus, I really like this picture, its so pretty with all the snow!
-- Yvette
- on February 18, 2011
Marcus, such a great snowman, but I hope it melts pretty soon! Looking at your pictures shows you are a very good artist. Have fun, Aunt Chris
-- Chris
- on February 3, 2011
Looks like the weather outside today! Mom likes your cozy house.
-- mom
- on January 14, 2011
Baby, "It's COLD outside!" Is this Frosty?
-- Kelli
- on January 14, 2011
Love your art work Marcus. You are an awesome artist. Keep it up and have fun. Love, Auntie Linda
-- Linda
- on January 14, 2011
scary marcus very scary
-- dad
- on October 25, 2010
Marcus, Mom has the witch laugh to go with this. Right?
-- MOM
- on October 25, 2010
hey Marcus Good job on the witch, I like it alot! the nose is really cool, you are a great artist!!! Love, Gramma and Papa
-- Kristy
- on October 25, 2010
Did this little pig say " Wee Wee all the way home"? Did Mrs. A let Maxwell know when he was home?
-- Mom
- on October 8, 2010
We should have named you Sucram! Cute Picture. Sonnoz
-- Mom
- on October 8, 2010