Xander I love the detail in this picture it reminds of being at the beach. You are becoming a great artist!! Keep of the super work. -- Barb
- on November 16, 2010
Xander, the clay mandala is very nice. The bright blue shows up so well on the clay, and some of the other elements look like jewels...very good shift of your design from paper to clay! -- Lucky
- on November 14, 2010
Wow, Xander, the transition from paper to clay is very cool. The colors you chose for this project look really good in the clay glaze. -- Sheila
- on November 13, 2010
Wow--now the similarities and differences in the two pieces really show up. I like this technique a lot. Have you tried weaving them the other way, so the parts that are currently hidden in each print would be exposed? It might be interesting to compare the two weavings... -- Sheila
- on November 9, 2010
Xander, I like the way these prints are similar but not exactly the same. I'm really fond of the cool one, since it has my favorite blending of blues and greens, but the warm one is great too. I think they work especially well as a set. I like what Roger said about approaching/receding, too. Thanks for sharing these! -- Sheila
- on November 9, 2010
That's a very interesting technique. I like how the pattern on the original print came through! -- Lucky
- on November 6, 2010
Xander: I love the print weaving. How did you do it? -- Rich
- on November 6, 2010
I really like both of these! It would be very hard for me to pick a favorite. They have a nice balance and you blended the colors beautifully. -- Rhea
- on November 5, 2010
Really good work, Xander! hard to say which is more appealing, the warm tints or the cool. I like the way the colors are washed over each other and blend so nicely. Another good job! -- Lucky
- on November 5, 2010
Xander, This is another very good work of art. I especially like that they are similar, but not identical, in execution. It provokes thought, ultimately the purpose of all art. I'm going to see if Artsonia will print the left work on the front of a T shirt, and the other on the back. They are nice side by side, but I think the approaching/receding effect on the casual observer would be neat. You oughta get top marks for this one. And consider being a professional artist, if you aren't already. -- Roger
- on November 4, 2010
Very nice prints. They are the same yet different. Very effective use of colors. -- Rich
- on November 4, 2010
I like this a lot, Xander. It looks like a scientific object, but it reminds me of the cycle of life in a spiritual way, too. Thanks for sharing this picture! -- Sheila
- on October 27, 2010
Hi Xander, Nice job! -- Heather
- on October 26, 2010
Wow, I like it! With the black background, it looks like a microscope slide. The idea of a mandala is very cool, too. One of the nice things about this piece is that it looks good, close up, or back a ways. Good job! -- Lucky
- on October 26, 2010
Very nice, Xander. It looks like a kaleidoscope! -- Rich
- on October 26, 2010
Great layout, color choice, and content. -- Roger
- on October 26, 2010
Dude, I like this picture a lot. I really like the way you did the ocean and the sky. -- Sheila
- on October 20, 2010
Fantastic job! I love summer scenes and the color choice was perfect! -- Kathy
- on October 14, 2010
Great job! It reminds me of the summer. I love that you even put in the pebbled driveway in front of the house! -- Rhea
- on October 11, 2010
Hey, I like the colors in this. The tan and blue are really pleasing together. And the beach house is nice! I can tell you put a lot of effort into this! -- Lucky
- on October 9, 2010
Nice Beach House, Dude! -- Rich
- on October 9, 2010
Xander, that's really neat! You have a great eye for graphic design! -- Lucky
- on September 30, 2010
Wow--you have cool ideas for lettering designs. I think my favorite is the "e" on the bottom, but they're all interesting and fun. -- Sheila
- on September 30, 2010
Who knew your name could look so cool? Nice job! -- Rhea