Gabriela671's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Gabriela671's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I enjoy seeing these colors dance together. The way each color space speaks to it's neighbor. It's very impressive!! This would make a great wall peice. Awsome work Gabriela!!
-- Angelica
- on October 3, 2010
This ones awesome, Gabby! I love it! I actually love how the petal on the big rose hangs out more than the rest, how each petal is shaped differently. It makes it so much more realistic than if you tried to make them all the same. You just keep impressing me. Love you!
-- Marissa
- on September 30, 2010
It looks like the longhorn is asleep with the stars all around him. He is sound asleep thinking of the beautiful sunny day he just had. I bet you he can't wait to wake up so he can be surrouded by all his friends again.
-- Andy
- on September 30, 2010
I love this one a lot. I like the white rectangle in the center. It looks like the center of your heart. If you ever decided to build buildings or houses you would be better than Frank Lloyd Wright. You are a very good artist and this picture makes me smile.
-- Andy
- on September 30, 2010
You did a great job of showing your personality and I love the color of the background you chose! I'm so proud of you Gabby! I can't wait to see more of your artwork published!
-- Marissa
- on September 13, 2010