Oh my, this is exquisite. I bet you definitely passed. It's gorgeous. You are an amazing artist. -- Katelyn
- on August 24, 2015
Wow, to almost perfectly copy Leonardo da Vinci's best work, that's amazing. Despite the grooves in the wall, all the lines stayed straight and smooth. -- Jacob
- on August 24, 2015
I love the transition of warm colors to cool colors in the horizon. -- Madison
- on August 24, 2015
It's amazing. I really like it. You did a really good job on it. -- Ricky
- on August 24, 2015
That is the peak of your hard work. Well done. -- Kishwar
- on August 24, 2015
It is good to see a former student doing so well with her work. -- Wiley
I like your self-portrait. It's very detailed and realistic. -- Nicolette
- on August 5, 2012
I love your drawing, I have the worst time trying to draw people, but you are very talented! -- Vanessa
- on August 5, 2012
This drawing is so pretty! All the details on the leaves at the bottom look really good -- Sabrina
- on December 18, 2011
Amazing Job. I love how you used so many colors on so many scales on each individual item. Great Job! -- Kristen
- on March 25, 2011
This is a very nice piece. Very good job on it. -- Savannah
- on March 25, 2011
You did a great job on this! You have a lot of talent. -- Ahsan
- on February 6, 2011
Adina, this is truly AMAZING! the shading on this is impeccable! (: keep up the good work girl. -- Alyssa
- on December 10, 2010
We love how every detail is clear and perfect-like. This is beautiful. All of your artwork is. -- Ahsan and Raazia
- on December 3, 2010
That's a scary art work!! Good job, Adina. -- Roberto
- on November 25, 2010
I really like this. Great work. -- Jazib
- on November 20, 2010
This drawing is PERFECT!! You did an awesome job! :) -- Ahsan
- on November 6, 2010
Great work. Realy great work. The color combination is really cool. -- Jazib
- on October 29, 2010
Adina, I think you did a great job on this autumn piece!!! this is probably(in my opinion) the best! [: -- Raazia
- on October 29, 2010
Adina, you have done a good job on this leaf. Uunbelievable artwork is always done by you. -- Ahsan
- on October 29, 2010
I LOVE this!... well really I love all of your art work. Keep it up girl! -- Alyssa
- on October 27, 2010
I have seen your art and you've done your job very well. I am your Mamu Ahsan's friend. Mehra Shahzad -- shahzad
- on October 23, 2010
Your ideas are praisable and your imagination touches the loft of the sky. To me, you'll be the finest artist of the future. May you succed in your life and enjoy all the hapiness of life. From: Mr. and Mrs. Abdul H.S. -- Jazib
- on October 23, 2010
wow adina this is amazing i love how you did half in good views and the other half in bad views its really cool -- kimberly
- on October 14, 2010
i love ur artwork....:) -- karina
- on October 14, 2010
''Cool'' -- roberto
- on October 14, 2010
Thas so cool.. -- roberto
- on October 14, 2010
Good work. -- Regino
- on October 14, 2010
This piece is so beautifully drawn. Your art ability is truly a gift from God. -- Shelby
- on October 14, 2010
The shading on this one is so awesome! I love this piece. You made the paper look soft. :) -Ashley -- Ashley
- on October 14, 2010
well -- elijah
- on October 14, 2010
this WQWD me adina! gah, this is really amazing with all the details you worked in this art. no mistake at all that i see. Great job! -- Barry
- on October 14, 2010
this is a great drawing, very realalistic, you did a great job on the lips eyes and nose but the hair it perfect -- UR GUR JORDAN
- on October 14, 2010
Nice art work. -- Regino
- on October 14, 2010
I love how every detail is clear and perfect-like. This is a beautiful piece. All of your artwork is awesome. -- Shelby
- on October 14, 2010
''cool'' i like this.. -- roberto
- on October 14, 2010
Your pumpkin is really good! -Ashley -- Ashley
- on October 14, 2010
oh my goodness! this piece is very pretty! i love the choice of colors that you used in the picture. -- jesse
- on October 14, 2010
your art work is awesome adina the detail and highlights are amazing -- kimberly
- on October 14, 2010
adina, i think you did a great job on this autumn piece!!! this is probably(in my opinion) the best![: -- Barry
- on October 14, 2010
The bottle is really strong in this and the shadows are great. you did a really good job in having nothing look like its floating in air -- shelly
- on October 14, 2010
Adina! This is an amazing piece. I love the detail spent on all the little pictures. -- Cole
- on October 14, 2010
This very creative. You were able to think of so many different symbols to incorporate into this artwork. Great Job! -- Alexis
- on October 14, 2010
I love the fold in the boot. I did this drawing in art1 and I feel like you did an amazing job. -- Emily
- on October 14, 2010
You are so talented! The lines, details and drawings on this really make it pop. Outstanding job on this! -- Kady
- on October 14, 2010
Wow. I love the way I could tell that the blender was made of glass due to your excellent shading. The way you used highights to show that it was glass was amazing, and your only in Art I. I can't wait to see what you do in the future. :) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
My favorite part of this piece is the eyes. They are so realistic and you put so much detail into them. -- Cole
- on October 14, 2010
This is great. The shading is amazing. -- Lee
- on October 14, 2010
This is so neat.:) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
You did a great job on this piece! The eyes look wonderful. -- Zoie
- on October 14, 2010
Your use of shadows and highlights are amazing. The items in the drawing are amazingly accurate. -- Cole
- on October 14, 2010
Great Job with the use of lines!!! Pops out at you :) -- ALyssa
- on October 14, 2010
WOW. This is amazing! I love how you used the black and white to do this piece. -- Lee
- on October 14, 2010
Nice work -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
When I look at this work it reminds me of The Beatles and I love it. I love the abstractness of it. The way all the shapes flow together is amazing. :) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
I Like the way its detailed -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
Very kool :) -- Alyssa
- on October 14, 2010
This is a great piece. I love this artist and I feel like you did a great job! -- Emily
- on October 14, 2010
This is awesome. I have no idea how you did this but it is great. -- Alexis
- on October 14, 2010
Nice work -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
I can really see the effort put into this piece to make it look real. The shadows and highlights of the hair are amazing. You did a great job on that. The eyes really pop. Outstanding job! -- Kady
- on October 14, 2010
I remember doing this last year & i know it is not easy. Nice job. :) -- Mollie
- on October 14, 2010
WOW! the values are great. you did a really good job on getting the gleams in the eye and the hair doesnt look stringy -- shelly
- on October 14, 2010
Wowwwww! Thats all i can say. This drawing looks so great because of the details given to each part of her face and hair. -- Jordyn
- on October 14, 2010
the eyes look AMAZING!! you are very very very very very talented!! great proportions and values! -- Autumn
- on October 14, 2010
I love this. Its my Favorite!!!!:) -- Mollie
- on October 14, 2010
Amazing job the lips look real!!! As well as the eyes and hair! -- Alyssa
- on October 14, 2010
The eyes for this are stunning. The way you got the lips just right is perfect. And the way you showed her cheekbones is amazing. Kepp up the good work. :) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
Great Artwork!!!! this rocks. I really hope you continue Art past art 1 because you have a large amount of potential. I love how you used all your values and you made this a very realistic drawing. -- Alexis
- on October 14, 2010
Nice detailed art -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
I love your artwork!! it's great!! -- Autumn
- on October 14, 2010
This is AMAZING!!!!! i like your work:) Great job! -- gracie
- on October 14, 2010
This is soooooo beautiful!! -- Emily
- on October 14, 2010
Great job!!! :) -- Alyssa
- on October 14, 2010
Ahh, the shadows on the crumpled up paper is just right! Keep up the good work:) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
- on October 14, 2010
I like how you made every shadow and highlight stand out to make it look so real. Drawing paper is difficult so kudos. -- Jordyn
- on October 14, 2010
WOW!!! This is amazing. Nicely Done. :) -- Mollie
- on October 14, 2010
I like the shading of the art and how detailed it is -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
I like the shading of the art and how detailed it is -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
I looovveee this. I love the way you got the highlighs on the face and used the shadows around the face to show the edges of it instead of using a hard black line. This is great:) -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
this looks GREAT!!! you have done such a good job!! -- Autumn
- on October 14, 2010
I absolutely Love this!!! You did a great job making your vegtables look realistic :) -- Alyssa
- on October 14, 2010
You did a great job on this! You have a lot of talent. -- Emily
- on October 14, 2010
This still life piece is absolutely beautiful! You did a great job on the shadows, and the highlights just right. I can tell you really put in the effort to make this piece great. The gourds really stand out because of the simplicity of the background. -- Kady
- on October 14, 2010
This drawing is PERFECT!! you did an awesome job!:) -- Mollie
- on October 14, 2010
This picture is very detailed -- Bradley
- on October 14, 2010
This piece is amazing! The pumpkin looks real! Everything looks beautiful. -- Lee
- on October 14, 2010
WOW! your really talented. you did a great job on the shadows and the folds in the fabric. i can tell you put in alot of time and effort in this piece. -- shelly
- on October 14, 2010
this is simply amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your artwork on up in the year! -- Dakota
- on October 14, 2010
This looks real! awesome job -- Jordan
- on October 14, 2010
This is a lovely piece! You took your time and it shows! -- Margaret