Taylor10367's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Taylor10367's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Found your pretty bird. I notice all your coloring is in the same direction except for the background. Really like all the pretty colors you used. Is the bird a yellow-bellied sap sucker?? Let me know. Keep up the good work. Each work of art gets better. LOVE, NANA BANANA
-- Joan
- on February 28, 2011
That had to be difficult to make some of the lines thicker and also straight. Tell me what does that Chinese mean. I really like it. I have to check to see what else you did. LOVE, NANA
-- Joan
- on February 28, 2011
This is the third time I'm making a comment on your artwork. I can'get my e-mail address in right. If it doesn't work this time, I'm going to bed. I do really like the sculpture you made. The design is so neat and your name is just perfect on it. Can't tell from the picture how large it is, but you had to put a lot of time and thought in to it. GOOD WORK!! LOVE YOU, NANA
-- Joan
- on January 8, 2011
I made a mistake sending my message to you so I have to do it over. See, even at my age I make mistakes. You didn't make any mistakes in your artwork. It is so pretty and your design and name came out perfectly. The beads add color to the piece. Keep up the good work. I'd love to see your artwork and see how big it is. This could be an earring, a bracelet, or something to hang on a hook. Keep up the good work, Taylor, I love it. LOVE You, NANA
-- Joan
- on January 8, 2011
You must have spent a lot of time making this beautiful work of art. It is so neat and the design so pretty. The added beads add color and attraction. It took a lot of concentration to get everything so perfect. Please make one for me!!!!
-- Joan
- on January 8, 2011
I love your newest picture, it is beautiful! I am so proud of you T! xo Mom
-- Eileen
- on November 2, 2010