Jalen159's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Jalen159's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jalen I love your artwork. It always makes me so proud to see how much pride you to in your work. You always do a great job. Love you much!!!!!
-- Mom
- on May 31, 2011
I love that. Very nice piece of art work. Good job Jalen! Mom/m Joan & pop/p Ron.
-- Joan
- on May 31, 2011
Way to go J! Great piece of artwork. Keep up the good work. We love you!
-- Grandmom (Robin)
- on November 24, 2010
Jalen!! It looks like you are going to be a professional artist,keep on praticing your drawing. And it will happen. Love Aunt Frances.
-- Frances
- on November 23, 2010
Good morning Jalen, Well I see you've created another masterpiece. That has to be the happiest insect I've ever seen. Again, very nice choice of colors which makes me smile. Keep up the great work. I'm proud of you. Ms. Janet
-- Janet
- on November 20, 2010
You did a great job again Jalen. I love looking at all your artwork. Keep them coming Jay.
-- Mom
- on November 17, 2010
Great new picture Jalen. Looks just like your mom laying on a leaf!
-- Roger
- on November 17, 2010
Dear Jalen, Thank you very much for sending me your latest artwork! I am proud that you can really, really, draw! Are you teaching Jordie to draw and read? Will you keep an album at your Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's house? We hope that you make the hall of fame! Please write us back and let us know what the drawing is about? I see a bug or an ailean, which one is it? Love ya Aunt Holly
-- Holly
- on November 17, 2010
Jalen! nice colors. You told me that you was going to make sure you got a new picture done. Hey! I see you made it happen!!!!!!!!!! Good job!
-- Joan
- on November 17, 2010
Love ur painting Jalen!!! Keep up the good work! Love cousin Sonya!
-- Sonya
- on November 1, 2010
Wow Jalen this a very nice picture! -Love your older cousin Bre
-- BreAshia
- on October 30, 2010
Jalen you are doing an excellent job, continue the fascinating work, perhaps one day you maybe an artist!
-- Mom-Mom Margaret
- on October 30, 2010
Dear Jalen, I love your drawing! Can you call me and describe everyting in it! I am amazed at your ability to draw such a fun-filled picture! Is that you and Jordie walking some dogs? Ask Your Mom-Mom to call me, when you go and visit her. I will be waiting to hear from you! Love ya Aunt Holly
-- Aunt Holly
- on October 30, 2010
JALEN! Your artwork is extraordinary!!! I am digging your drawing and the 2 dogs that are happily walking together in the background. Great use of your imagination :)
-- Aunt Tish
- on October 27, 2010
Jalen, What a great picture and use of such fantastic colors. This picture show good creativity. Keep up the good work.
-- Janet
- on October 25, 2010
Hi Jalen- You are very artistic and what a great choice of colors. Great picture.
-- Janet
- on October 25, 2010
Awesome Jalen! You are very talented and a budding artist. Keep up the creativity and great work!! Love, cousins Ashley, D'reardon, Jordan, and Mia
-- Ashley
- on October 22, 2010
Great job nephew keep up the good work.
-- Dude
- on October 20, 2010
Great job Jalen!!!!!>>>Cheryl, KY & Mal
-- cheryl
- on October 20, 2010
I am so proud of my little cousin. Jalen you did a great job. You are very creative. Keep of the good work. Love, Cousin Colleen
-- Colleen
- on October 20, 2010
Jalen this is the most handsome self portrait I have ever seen. You are very talented! :) Awesome Job. Miss Lenora
-- Lenora
- on October 20, 2010
Great job and keep up the great work. Freddie & Josilyn
-- Freddie
- on October 22, 2010
Great job nephew!!!! I can't wait to see more of your artwork!!!
-- Titi Chelle
- on October 20, 2010
Good job J u got some real vision!! Really like the picture a lot nephew.
-- Marcus
- on October 20, 2010
Nice work Jalen! Keep up the good work!
-- Doug
- on October 19, 2010
Jalen you're the man! I love this self portrait...especially the ears and arms! Daddy loves you.
-- Dad
- on October 19, 2010
OH! Jalen. I also notice the curly hair. The funniest!!!!!!!
-- Joan
- on October 19, 2010
Awww Jalen this is so cute! You did a great job keep up the good work!
-- Courtney
- on October 19, 2010
Just great, I wish I was this good at your age.
-- Warren
- on October 19, 2010
Good job Jalen. I see you got your mom's artistic talent.
-- Travis
- on October 19, 2010
Nice picture Jalen!! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Mom & Pop-Pop Burton
-- Joan
- on October 19, 2010
Great Picture. You look soooo much like your mother!
-- Roger
- on October 19, 2010
What a GREAT job little cousin! I love this picture.
-- Des
- on October 19, 2010
Very nice Jalen. You have so much talent. Keep up the great work!
-- Damali
- on October 19, 2010
Hey buddy its really nice I love da way u drew the big head its so self like...love ya lil one nd congrats on being so wonderful =) --- Ani
-- andrianna
- on October 19, 2010
Jalen I love your self portrait. You did a great job. I especially love the one tooth at the bottom.
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2010