Another incredible peice. ALL of your work is so very good. I would like to have one of these when you bring them home. -- Donna
- on December 14, 2010
Tara - what a grat picture. I am so proud of you. All of your artwork is so good. The colors are magnificent. -- Donna
- on November 5, 2010
Tara, What a wonderful drawing. You are so very talented. I love this peice. I love you too!!! -- Donna
- on November 5, 2010
Tara, I think your artwork expresses a sense of warmth and feeling. It is very, very beautiful. You are so talented. I look forward to your next artwork. Love you, Grandma -- Ann
- on November 3, 2010
Favorite Niece Tara, another wonderful job. You are doing so well you need to draw one of the beach we were at with the sun coming up above it. I love You! Bailey and Bogey will like this one too! Favorite Uncle Jace -- Jace
- on November 3, 2010
Favorite Niece Tara, another great job. What beautiful art. Favorite Uncle Jace -- Jace
- on November 3, 2010
Tara, my favorite niece. This is beautiful artwork. You did a great job. I will share it with Bailey and Bogey! We love you. Favorite Uncle Jace -- Jace