The mighty Thor. Very relevant now that the movie is out! -- Steve
- on June 1, 2011
This Marilyn Manson portrait is AWESOME! -- steve
- on June 1, 2011
Very dramatic. Dark vs light -- steve
- on June 1, 2011
This is excellent. Very clever using the words to make up the portrait. Very cool -- Steve
- on June 1, 2011
This was a very cool Dada design Shaun -- Steve
- on June 1, 2011
Great work Shaun! -- Thomas
- on June 1, 2011
I think this was your best piece of the year. Very expressive, definitely your 'style'. Looking forward to you being in advanced drawing next year Shaun -- Mr Hunter
- on May 25, 2011
Love this Warhol scratch art Shaun, very cool -- Mr Hunter
- on April 14, 2011
This is a great work of charcoal art Shaun. Well done. -- Mr Hunter