Dear Jonah, Your starry night picture is very expressive! Blue is one of my very favorite colors and that blue in your picture is so like a beautiful night sky. Keep on painting! Love, Grandma Brigid -- Brigid
- on February 25, 2013
Dear Jonah, You have painted a lovely picture. It looks like a little round chick with a big beak in the middle . Water color paintings are my favorite . Keep painting! Love , Grandma -- Grandma
- on February 25, 2013
Dear Jonah, You have painted a lovely picture. It looks like a little round chick with a big beak in the middle . Water color paintings are my favorite . Keep painting! -- Brigid
- on February 25, 2013
Dear Jonah, I really like your art work ! Your latest picture, Crazy Quilt, is very interesting. It seems you have a face off between your creatures. You'll have to tell me about it next time you see me. Keep on creating art! Love, Gramma -- brigid
- on November 12, 2011
Dear Jonah, I liked your picture called, Mandrian Squares. the colors fit the Chinese name. The waves of color you made with your marker seems to make the squares move on the page. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma -- brigid
- on January 19, 2011
Dear Jonah, You have done a fine job of cutting and arranging the shapes on your paper. The shapes are nicely spaced and the colors very bright. Keep up doing your best ! I look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Grandma -- brigid