Wow Maura, many people think this is your best so far!! -- Jill
- on December 18, 2012
Maura, this is a good springtime painting. When I look at it I can feel the sun warming up the ground so that plants can grow! Did you use watercolor and crayon - or magic marker? Interesting windmill, too. Dotty -- Dotty
- on December 11, 2012
Hi, Maura! I've enjoyed looking at all your artwork, but I think my favorite is the farm scene with the colorful fields and bright tree! The city one is interesting, too - but probably everyone has their own's hard to choose. Keep working, have fun and surprise us with your ideas! love, Dotty -- Dotty
- on December 11, 2012
Maura, you have done it again! The rooster is really really cool! -- Marmi
- on January 15, 2012
This is truly amazing! I couldn't be more proud of you!!!!! mommy -- Jill
- on December 11, 2012
This picture is amazing!!!! I am so proud of you -- Jill
- on October 4, 2011
Maura, these are so awesome! I'm very proud of you. You are a very good artist! -- Uncle Ryan
- on October 4, 2011
Maura, I love your beautiful Valentine Heart! Love how it fills the whole page, and the beautiful colors all around like a mosaic. -- Marmee
- on April 12, 2011
Beautiful, Maura! I miss you. Papa New. -- James
- on April 12, 2011
Maura, Your cat is way cool!!. Like how you used triangle shapes. I think the cat looks sad or scared - a good Halloween cat! I like your new modern block picture too! Marmee -- Margie
- on November 6, 2010
Maura, I love your cat. His eyes are yellow and he looks like he is probably a kind cat. Is he sitting in the snow? -- Mommy
- on October 20, 2010
I like your blue dog that reminded you of grass. It looks like the blue dog is out at night siting on green grass. -- Mommy
- on October 2, 2010
Maura, you come from a family of artists and I see that you are following in in the footsteps of Papa New, Aunt Erin, Uncle Mike, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Dottie! I am so proud of you! -- Marmie and Papa New