Claire2014's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Claire2014's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Claire: You are going to be famous soon! Keep up the good work!
- on March 3, 2016
Nice basket. I liked the way the different colors are weaved in.
-- Pat
- on March 3, 2016
OH CLAIRE: Very beautiful! I miss you, & keep up the good work!
-- Jim
- on March 3, 2016
Claire: You are very talented! Nice artwork! Miss you! PAPA
-- Jim
- on September 18, 2015
Good Job Eli!!!
-- Jim
- on September 18, 2015
Claire: You are going to be a famous artist some day! I am so proud of you! PaPa! See you Friday
-- Jim
- on September 18, 2015
Awesome!! This is truly a Claire piece of art.
-- Grandma & Papa
- on September 18, 2015
Very unusual. Like it.
-- Grandma & Papa
- on September 18, 2015
I see you used your favorite colors, orange and purple. Love it!
- on March 18, 2015
Cool design, reminds me of a flower.
- on March 18, 2015
Lovely bookmark
- on March 18, 2015
you are the best artist ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- phillis
- on March 18, 2015
I like this artwork becuse i like the sripes in the backround
-- patricia
- on December 11, 2012
Love the colors you chose:-)
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2012