Jack5154's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Jack5154's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Go Brewers!
-- Jim And Mary
- on March 29, 2015
great work Jack. I would love a bookmark like that. You are so creative - I hope your bookmark is picked by the library Love, Grandpa and Grandma B
-- Jim And Mary
- on January 20, 2015
Great work , Jack! I would love to use that bookmark in the book I'm reading I hope you are picked for the finalist for the library contest. You are very creative Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Jim And Mary
- on January 20, 2015
How about that "one eyed dragon" ! Good ideas, and I can see the fire coming out of his mouth (or is it a HER?)
-- Grandma B.
- on January 20, 2015
Hi Jack, I'm trying to figure out what you did to arrive at the mirrored image. Is it done on a cloth? I like the designs you created, pretty color of red, too. My favorite! Love Grandma
-- mary
- on January 20, 2015
Hi Jack, You did a great job on this, especially the detail on the body. Everything is so proportioned, great job. You are getting better and better at your drawings and imagination. Keep up the good work.
-- Mary
- on January 20, 2015
Cool, nice job. Like the color - it looks like a very tropical fish.
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
what bright colors you put in the background. Those trees look like they are ready for winter. great job.
-- mary
- on October 21, 2013
This is now my favorite picture that you have drawn. Awesome job!!
-- DAD
- on October 21, 2013
This is now my favorite picture Jack. Awesome job.
-- DAD
- on October 21, 2013
That's quite a bird - would it be as big as a turkey? Very colorful - any relation to a lady bug??
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
Now that's a Ladybug if I ever saw one! You did a great job, I need one of those good bugs in my garden to eat up the bad bugs. Love, Grandma
-- mary
- on October 21, 2013
This is probably my favority Jack. All of your art work is awesome
-- Dad
- on October 21, 2013
Jack, I love the colors you used. It reminds me that even though we are in the middle of winter, spring is coming and so are the springtime flowers. Your flowers look very much like Oriental Poppys that bloom in May and June. Great work and choice of colrs, love the background, too. Love Grandma B
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
RRRRRRRAAAAARRRRRR!!!!! What a great picture, Jack. Good colors and wonderful detail in the face. I can see each wisker on that bad boy's snout.
-- Grandma B.
- on October 21, 2013
Cool tree, Jack! It looks like a lot of our oak trees around the back yard -- no leaves, but some snow on the limbs. You did a great job :-)
-- Grandma B
- on October 21, 2013
Whew! I'm scared!! looks like that monster is really mad. Good job. I like it, but I'm glad he's not mad at me :-) Grandma B
-- Grandma B
- on October 21, 2013
I really like this one Jack. Its awesome. Good job at school.
-- Dad
- on October 21, 2013
Wow! You really must have thougth ahead to make every other piece of your pinwheel different. Great colors, I love green and blue together! I love it :-) Does it go around easily? Grandma and Grandpa B
-- mary and Jim
- on October 21, 2013
Great work, I like all the people that you drew along the side. The colors are nice and bright, I love that color of blue. Great job. Love, Grandma and Grandpa B
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
Cool picture, Jack. "what big eyes you made" I'm thinking it's a spider? or maybe and ant that was surprised by and ANTEATER? good colors and I like the long fangs. do you think your dad would be afraid of this bug? How about Ryan? I know Andrew wouldn't be scared. Keep up the good work! Grandma B.
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
I love blue!! what a great job in blending all the different blue colors together. Great job on the big flowers, too. Way to go, Jack. Love Grandma and Grandpa B.
-- Mary
- on October 21, 2013
I LOVE this picture Jack! You do such a wonderful job in art class. Great Job, I can't wait to see more.
-- Stacy
- on October 21, 2013
I love this picture! I love all the bright colors! Very nice
-- Beth Mom
- on October 6, 2010