I love this picture...your a great artist...so much detail in your work...Great Job Taylor!!! -- Connie
- on November 14, 2011
I love your Autumn Landscape picture so much I am going to order a t-shirt for me to wear! Great Job Taylor!!!! :) -- Ma Ma Pourney
- on November 14, 2011
Taylor, you are so talented, love your art work, you do such a great job..you can tell art is one of your favorite things to do! -- Connie
- on May 19, 2011
Taylor you did such a great job on this. I love the colors! I think it would look great in my office window:). You are an artist already at just 8 years old. I love you bug! Amy -- amy
- on May 19, 2011
I love your picture Taylor! It is so pretty. Keep up the good work!!! -- Amanda (MOMMY)
- on May 19, 2011
I love your art work Bug. It makes me so proud of you! I can't wait to see more of your mastered work!!! Love you bunches! -- Amanda