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Haley4051's Comments
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Below are comments about Haley4051's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Haley it has been so long since I have seen your beautiful art work great job.
-- Vicki
- on April 26, 2012
This is so good. It makes me want to go for a walk down the lane. You are a great artist.
-- Vicki
- on October 25, 2011
This is so scary. I love your use of color.
-- Vicki
- on October 25, 2011
I Love this Haley. I will look at this every time I get tired of looking at the sand here. Love Daddy.
-- Paul
- on October 17, 2011
this is so real looking. It is one of my favorites
-- victoria
- on October 14, 2011
good job
-- Vicki
- on September 26, 2011
WHOO - scary, kind of looks Chinese.
-- Mom
- on September 6, 2011
This is one of your best pieces of art work so far. I love it.
-- Vicki
- on August 22, 2011
Great job Haley. I'd love a bouquet like that.
-- Mom
- on March 23, 2011
Soccer, sheep and Haley.....they all go together. Great job Haley! :-)
-- Mom
- on March 2, 2011
looks like you Haley
-- Vicki
- on March 2, 2011
Bright pink!
-- mom
- on December 22, 2010
Looks like a giant lipstick kiss
-- Vicki
- on December 23, 2010
And the stockings were hung by the chimmney with care, in hope that Aunt Vicki soon would be there
-- Vicki
- on December 14, 2010
We'll have to hang it on the tree! Downstairs or in your room???
-- mom
- on December 13, 2010
Pretty! I love blue!
-- Mom
- on November 22, 2010
This is just the beginning of a great collection.
-- Vicki
- on November 19, 2010
Good job again Haley. You are a great artist!
-- Vicki
- on November 19, 2010
Wow, Mona Lisa was having a bad day that day. She looks grouchy.
-- Mom
- on November 19, 2010
Wow Haley....Mona Lisa was having a bad day. But I think it's as nice as the real painting.
-- Mom
- on October 28, 2010
This is scary...She looks like she is mad at something...
-- Vicki
- on October 27, 2010
I love the picture of fall. You have a great vivid imagination. I think it is because we go on adventures....Love Vicki
-- Vicki
- on October 14, 2010
Haley ....I love the artwork...Aunt Vicki
-- Vicki
- on October 12, 2010
Good Job Haley! Very pretty!
-- Mom
- on October 8, 2010