Eric4089's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Eric4089's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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-- Grandpa Ron
- on March 19, 2016
All of the detail is amazing-good job. Interesting depth you've shown. Your shoes are more interesting than mine!
-- Helen And Jerry
- on March 19, 2016
nice use of color-nice that you get to do so many types of art & so unusual
-- Grandma Helen
- on May 20, 2015
Nice colors. I enjoy using similar colors when making quilts or with flowers glad you enjoy art
-- Helen And Jerry
- on May 20, 2015
such an interesting piece of art- lots of items to find and imagine lots of others!
-- Grandma Helen
- on February 12, 2015
neat winter scene-like looking through a telescope.
-- Helen
- on February 12, 2015
Really enjoyed this-the colors. Could tell quite a story with this picture or explain a family. Interesting that you have 5 hands- 3 on the left and 2 on the right.
-- Grandma Helen
- on September 25, 2013
I've never tried drawing the Empire State Building-good imagination!
-- Grandma Helen
- on May 8, 2013
Interesting picture with the swimming mask-wish I could read the note. You always add items of interst.
-- Grandma Helen
- on May 8, 2013
This is my favorite-what an imagination! Love, Gandma Helen
-- Helen
- on April 3, 2013
What a use of color and black shapes- Grandma Helen. I think I missed your last one.
-- Helen
- on April 3, 2013
So glad you enjoy art as I did not have art until college!!You are talented & enjoy color and expression.
-- Grandma Helen
- on February 14, 2013
Eric, you are an excellent artist! Keep up the great work! Grandma C
-- Carolyn
- on February 14, 2013
Eric, you are an excellent artist. This is beautiful. Keep up the good work, Grandson! Love you.
-- GrandmaC
- on October 16, 2012
Beautiful, Eric! I want one!
-- Grandma Carolyn
- on October 16, 2012
Colors are so interesting and wondering about the star and meaning. You have artistic talent. Love, Grandma Helen
-- Helen
- on November 28, 2012
This is awesome Eric! I love the colors and the pattern it created. Great job! Love, Mom
-- mom
- on October 14, 2012
What an interesting germ. Some of the colors you chose are quite pretty so that shows that germs can catch us unaware, but the germ's eyes and teeth display terror!!
-- Helen
- on October 14, 2012
Eric, enjoyed your sharing your latest art. The detail of the hand is good. How do you think of all the detail-knuckles, cuticle, hair,etc.! Keep up the good work.
-- Helen
- on October 14, 2012
Eric, the Cacti picture has such wonderful detail and color. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this. Good job!
-- Helen
- on October 11, 2011
Eric, I especially enjoyed this picture because it reminded me of the Iowa countryside. You do a very good job with your art work and thanks for sharing it with Grandpa and me.
-- Helen
- on March 6, 2011
Eric--this is very interesting and I want to hear about this and the choice of green and blue.
-- Grandma H.
- on September 30, 2010