Jack did you know that great-grandpa's last name is that of a world famous Spanish painter Velazquez? There is a part of Velazquez in your art work. -- Carmen
- on November 6, 2013
Hi Jack, I saw your latest art. I love the colors you used the painting. -- Carmen
- on April 24, 2013
Hi Jack, I love the colors you used in this picture. They are beautiful fall colors. -- Grandma Carmen
- on November 28, 2012
Jack I love the colors. Great piece of art. -- Carmen
- on April 24, 2013
That's a fantastic looking penguin, Jack! I love the scarf;) -- Jennifer
- on April 24, 2013
Wow Jack you are quite the artist. I love bragging about you at work! -- Carmen
- on March 6, 2012
WOW Jack! You are quite the artist. I just love bragging about you at work. -- Carmen
- on March 6, 2012
Wow honey! How beautiful! Good job, buddy! -- Jennifer