Madisyn184's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Madisyn184's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your picture is as pretty as you! I especially like the snow? Can you send it to Houston? We miss snow? Love, Aunt Cheri
-- cheri
- on November 18, 2011
Wonderful job! Are you hoping for this picture to come true so you don't have school?? :o)
-- Aunt Cort
- on November 18, 2011
Madi - I love your pumpkin!! Looks like you are ready for Halloween. Love you!
-- Aunt Cort
- on October 12, 2011
What a perfect pumpkin! Happy Fall:)
-- aunt cheri
- on October 12, 2011
Wow, good job Madi! You even got the cats in there!
-- Aunt Cort
- on April 12, 2011
Great job Madi! Love your Caterpillar!
-- Aunt Cort
- on March 30, 2011
I love this one! This is a great panda Madi! You are such a great artist! Love you!
-- Aunt Cort
- on January 20, 2011
Good Job Madi! I love the color of your leaf bowl! Love Aunt Cort!
-- Cortney
- on January 5, 2011
Madi - this is so pretty! You did so great!! Love you!
-- Aunt Cort
- on November 2, 2010
Who knew you were so creative????? The butterflies are beautiful like you! Keep up the good work:) Love, 'Aunt Cheri in Texas
-- cheri
- on October 24, 2010