Really great job Nate. Love it! Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on March 16, 2017
Really great job Nate. Love it! Nanak and Papa -- Traci
- on March 16, 2017
Really neat Nate. Always fun to see your great art. Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on November 18, 2015
Nate This is an awesome picture. I love it! Grammy -- Diane
- on November 18, 2015
Nate that looks like Freddie the frog. Great job. Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on August 12, 2015
Looks like fun at make. Love it, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on May 22, 2015
What a cool picture. Love all your artworks! Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on May 22, 2015
Great job Nate. I just love your art! Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on April 14, 2015
Very cool picture Nate. I love seeing your talented work! Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on March 25, 2015
Great job Nate. I really love this! -- Traci
- on February 26, 2015
Nate This is an awesome mask! I love it. Grammy -- Diane
- on December 14, 2014
What a beautiful stain glass window Nate. Keep up your amazing work! Love, Nana -- Traci
- on December 9, 2014
Nate, Wow! Your colors and shapes are awesome. What a great stained glass window! -- Mr. Moeller
- on November 20, 2014
Nate, I love your picture of a pumpkin. You will have to tell me what wet on wet means when I see you. Have a great vacation. Love you, Grammy -- Diane
- on October 22, 2014
Love it, Nate. That is a really cool fish! Love, Nana and papa -- Traci
- on April 24, 2014
Nate, I love the nutcracker! You are very creative. Mr. Moeller -- Chad
- on April 24, 2014
Really cool Nate! You did a great job. Nana and papa are proud of you! -- Traci
- on April 24, 2014
Nate, I love your artwork! The color is awesome. You did a great job! Mr. Moeller -- Chad
- on January 2, 2014
Really cool Nate. I love your work! -- Traci
- on January 2, 2014
Nate, I love your butterfly. We will have to go to the butterfly show at the conservatory sometime. Grammy -- Diane
- on July 3, 2013
This is really cool! Makes me think of my vacation to the ocean. Great job! -- Traci
- on March 10, 2013
Cool picture, Nate! I miss you. Grammy -- Diane
- on December 19, 2012
Hi Nate, What a beautiful picture! The colors would look good in my house. Grammy -- Diane
- on December 19, 2012
You are starting off the new school year with great art work. It looks like a real you. Love it! Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on September 20, 2012
Hey Nate, what a really cool picture. I love your first etching. Can't wait to see more. Love, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on July 29, 2012
Good picture, Nate. I used to love doing pictures like this when I was your age. Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on July 29, 2012
Yummy!!! Looks good enough to eat. Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on July 29, 2012
Nate, I love your latest art project. Makes me really hungry for a big, big ice cream cone. Papa and I would love to share an ice cream this big with you! Love ya, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on July 29, 2012
I love seeing your artwork. It is so good! Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on July 29, 2012
Hi Nate, love your latest project. Bet it was fun to work with shaving cream. Love, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on April 23, 2012
Hi Nathan I love your clay bird. I would like a tree full of them! Love, Grammy -- Diane.
- on April 23, 2012
Hi Nate, love your newest art piece. It reminds me that spring is near. You did a great job on this. Love, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on April 23, 2012
Beautiful colors, Nate. I love it! Grammy -- Diane
- on February 7, 2012
Hey Nate, I just love this one! He is soooo cute. Another great job by Nate Reder. Love, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on February 7, 2012
Nate I love your bear. He is so cute. We are on our way to Florida. See you soon. Love, Grammy -- Dianre
- on February 7, 2012
Nate This is an awesome picture! You are so talented. I miss you.D Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on November 16, 2011
Nate, I think you are an excellent artist. I love everything you have created. Love, Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on November 16, 2011
Nate, I love the picture of you in te desert. Keep up the good work! Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on October 4, 2011
Hey Nate, I love your new artwork. You are so creative and your artwork is very special. Keep it up! Love, Nana & Papa -- Traci
- on September 22, 2011
Nate- Your artwork is awesome. I am very proud of you. Love- Papa Ward -- Jim
- on September 22, 2011
You did a great job on this Nate!!! -- Jamie
- on September 22, 2011
Nate, I just love your new artwork! Each new drawing is awesome. Keep up the great work. Love Nana and Papa -- Traci
- on September 22, 2011
Hi Nate What a beautiful vase and flowers! I love seeing your pictures. Grammyl -- Diane
- on May 25, 2011
Another great picture, Nate! keep up the good work. Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on April 18, 2011
Hi Nate I love your collage. It has such beautiful colors in it. I miss you. Hope I can see you soon. My plants need watering. Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on April 11, 2011
Nate I love your snowman. You do such a good job in school. I can't wait to have lunch with you next week. Grammy -- Diane
- on April 11, 2011
Your art has been going to my spam and I didn't see it. You are doing such a good job. Keep drawing. Love, grammy -- diane
- on April 11, 2011
Nate, you did a wonderful job on this. I LOVE it and can't wait until you can bring it home. Love, Mommy -- Jamie
- on November 20, 2010
Nate, You are such a great artist. This is beautiful. I love it! Love, Mommy -- Jamie
- on November 20, 2010
dear Nate What a great picture. I love all the animals. We miss you so much; we are off the big boat and in Paris now. We will be home on Tuesday and I cannot wait to tickle you. Love, Grammy -- Diane
- on October 20, 2010
Nate What a great picture! I can't wait to see what you do next. Grammy -- Diane