Kaylene29's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Kaylene29's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I think your owl is beautiful!!! I really like it!!! You're a good artist! !!! The owl is so colorful and has such a cute face!!!
-- Grandma K
- on July 31, 2012
Hi Kaylene, I thought it was a fat bird. Gramps
-- Gramps
- on June 11, 2012
I really like your Scrap Monster!!! He is really scary!!! Keep up the good artwork!!! See you soon!!!
-- Grandma K
- on June 11, 2012
Nice flower Kaylene, it made it all the way to florida. Grandpa
-- Grandpa
- on June 11, 2012
Nice artwork Kaylene. Good Job
-- Grandpa
- on June 11, 2012
Kaylene, I really like your pretty Easter Egg!!! It's the Best!!! Now, you need to draw the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny is coming soon and bringing Easter Eggs and CANDY. You could draw chocolate Easter Bunnies too, but I would rather EAT them!
-- Grandma K
- on June 11, 2012
Thats a very nice Easter Egg Kaylene. Thanks, Grandpa
-- Dick
- on June 11, 2012
Great job Kaylene! your artwork is really good...luv ya
-- todd
- on June 11, 2012
This must be a picture of you and Daisy. Great artwork Kayene!!! Maybe you are going for a Spring walk. Love you and your art!!!
-- Grandma K
- on June 11, 2012
Nice Kaylene hows your Mom and Dad and Daisy?
-- Grandpa
- on June 11, 2012
-- Grandpa
- on February 16, 2011
Your Squares are beautiful Kaylene! They are so pretty and colorful! Keep up the good work!
-- GrandmaK
- on February 9, 2011
You're Awesome Kaylene!!! Really like your warm and cool lines!!! When I'm hot, I look at your cool lines and when I'm cold, I look at your warm lines. Great Work!!!
-- Grandma K
- on February 9, 2011
Kaylene - I really love your artwork!!! It's AWESOME!!!
-- Grandma K
- on January 20, 2011