Genevieve200's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Genevieve200's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Genevieve, Love Your latest artwork It’s very soothing in its content . . . Reminds me of a watery scene that could have come from Giverny, France !
- on September 25, 2019
Dear Gebbers, What an interesting idea to put a clothes line full of letters behind a figure who looks like he or she is pondering what word to make out of them! Very Clever!
-- Gram
- on March 9, 2018
This is FABULOUS!!! Good job, Geebs!!
-- Princess
- on February 28, 2018
Genevieve, your artwork of a self-portrait is such a wonderful rendition of you. You captured the warm, happy, and self-confident young lady that you are! Gram & Pop are super proud of how you are growing up to be the sweet and caring young lady you are! Great job!
-- Ralph And Mary
- on November 8, 2017
Dear Genevieve, what a great perspective picture! Did a trip to the library inspire that view? Hope you are enjoying having your Mother back as your art teacher.
- on June 28, 2017
Dear Genevieve-- Love you latest art work! Did you use charcoal or pencil or what medium did you use? Hope to see you one of these days ! I just returned from seeing your cousins in California ( they miss you, too) Love, Gram & Pop
-- Mary
- on February 5, 2017
FABULOUS! This is Awesome Geebs!!!
-- Princess
- on November 25, 2015
I love this!
-- Tracey
- on October 21, 2015
LOVE the bubbles~!~!~
-- Princess
- on October 21, 2015
I LOVE the way it is raining under your rainbow and the sun is shining on top of it! Beautiful!
-- Frincess
- on November 23, 2011
I LOVE this-your hair totally rocks!
-- Frincess
- on December 4, 2010
Wow! I am totally LOVIN' this outfit!
-- Frincess
- on October 29, 2010
I LOVE your elephant! You did such an amazing job-his trunk is adorable!
-- Frincess
- on October 13, 2010
This is AWESOME! You did such a good job of arranging the leaves and bean pods-I wish I could see this hanging!
-- Frincess
- on September 19, 2010
I LOVE your bright water lillies! Fantastic job arranging your tissue paper!
-- Stephanie
- on September 9, 2010
I LOVE the apple print! You did such a good job and I think this would look amazing on a t-shirt!
-- Frincess
- on September 1, 2010