Joseph5640's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Joseph5640's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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awesome job Joe....I love are a really good artist xoxo
-- Becky
- on May 25, 2012
hi Joey, I love the picture that you have drawn. The hands reaching out is such a great idea, I remember a picture I once saw with hands and the fingers coming together. This picture is wonderful. I love you!
-- Janice
- on May 25, 2012
Hi Joey! This picture is great! It reminds me of learning how to weave a potholder. You did a great job. I love you very much! Grandma
-- Janice
- on May 25, 2012
Hi Joseph, Your artwork is simply wonderful!! I love the imagination you used on each picture. I love you! Grandma
-- Janice
- on May 25, 2012