reagan604's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about reagan604's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks so peaceful and is so nice. I am going to get this picture put on something and sit it in my kitchen. I really like this picture....
-- Granny
- on July 28, 2012
I love butterflys and this is a beautiful one. I'm going to order one of these so I can look at the butterfly everyday! :-)
-- Granny
- on July 28, 2012
This is really different from your other art work and I like it. This is a neat design. Maybe we could make a real bandana like this!!!! Love you little artist Reagan, Granny
-- Granny
- on July 28, 2012
What a big colorful lion. He is really pretty. I really like your your art work. Love Granny
-- Granny
- on July 28, 2012
WOW.... what a great self portrait. This picture looks just like you and I Love your smile!
-- Granny
- on July 28, 2012
I like this one, it looks like a Picasso design. You are quite the little artist! Love, Granddaddy
-- Granddaddy
- on November 28, 2011
I like this picture, especially in red - my favorite color. You are such a fun little artist! Love Granny
-- Granny
- on November 28, 2011
What a neat looking tree with 2 swings, we can swing together!!! :-)
-- Granny
- on November 14, 2011
I really like your Shape Bot and all the pretty colors. Ms. Reagan you are a really good artist! Love, Granny
-- Granny
- on October 24, 2011
Ohhhhh, I like your monster. She looks like a friendly monster that you could play with. I really like this picture :-) , Love you and Ms. Monster, Granny
-- Granny
- on October 24, 2011
WOW....what a good looking dog, cute and cuddly. Granny love's here little artist!!!
-- Granny
- on October 24, 2011
A neat looking circle with pretty colors. Some of your colors look like my lipstick colors :-)... I really like your artwork. Thank you for sharing it with us. LoVe YoU, GrAnNy
-- Granny
- on April 7, 2011
Love all these colors. You did a great job! love, Nana
-- Sue
- on April 1, 2011
they look like hula dancers love you, Nana
-- nana
- on April 1, 2011
Like this one Reagan. Very creative
-- Pop
- on April 1, 2011
I like this circle and all the colors
-- Nana
- on April 1, 2011
The colors are beautiful and full of life. What a great little artist you are.
-- Granny
- on February 3, 2011
I like the little blue nose on your monster. Great job, Reagan!
-- your art teacher
- on September 26, 2010
Reagan: I love your art work! You are a special Granddaughter!
-- Nana
- on September 19, 2010
- on May 29, 2010