Rachel6329's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Rachel6329's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I Like the choice of colors.
-- Alexis
- on April 25, 2013
nice job this picture always reminds me of spiderman
-- lexie
- on April 25, 2013
I love the red and blue together! Great job!!
-- Danielle
- on April 25, 2013
Very nice it looks as if it could go on for infinity.
-- jesse
- on April 25, 2013
Good job.
-- Megan
- on November 16, 2011
I am happy to see you in the Art room this year! I am sure you will have a great time making all kinds of Art.
-- Mrs. C
- on November 16, 2011